Empty CSV file is created

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Re: Empty CSV file is created

Post by ddennell »

OK just updated the plugin and the script does not appear to have been updated?

Oh Ok belay that, it just seems to have taken a while for the script to update.
Last edited by ddennell on Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Empty CSV file is created

Post by ddennell »

Hi, I have updated the plugin as advised, results are still the same empty csv is created and script fails at the same point
I did delete all the files in the Surflog folder and for what it's worth the newly downloaded BHV executable is timestamped July 2018.
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Re: Empty CSV file is created

Post by Cubert »

k, now just manually run the BHV.exe file by itself. No switches just double click the exe file.

It will launch in desktop mode with a GUI which will allow you to exercise all the options available.

Start testing what options deliver a screen full of log data. Then send us a screen shot of thoes settings so we can see what your having to execute to get data from your Terminal server.

Typically on a terminal server the /HistorySource 1 switch says to pull data from all users so you should be seeing history by userid.

Some reason this is not the case and most likely its a permission issue some where but we need to confirm that. What browsers are installed? if you were to install another browser and surf a few urls does that data show up in the scans?

Might be a browser specific issue?

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Re: Empty CSV file is created

Post by ddennell »

It appears that I can only retrieve data for the current user, using the settings below, not for all users
Surflog 2.png
Surflog 2.png (61.5 KiB) Viewed 14774 times
Surflog 1.png
Surflog 1.png (33.33 KiB) Viewed 14774 times

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Re: Empty CSV file is created

Post by Cubert »

What's the terminal server version?

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Re: Empty CSV file is created

Post by ddennell »


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Re: Empty CSV file is created

Post by ddennell »

Any update on this please?


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