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Server only or can it monitor Windows 10 and 11 too?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:46 pm
by mntech

I use your Backup Windows plug in to monitor several of our managed servers. I was asked to add monitoring to Windows 10 and 11 workstations that using Windows Backup. Is it possible to add workstations to the Backup Windows plugin? If so, how would I go about activating those systems in the plugin? I've tried scanning for them using the Enable tab in Backup Windows plugin, however it only appears to be targeting servers. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


Re: Server only or can it monitor Windows 10 and 11 too?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:33 pm
by Cubert
It has been a while since I played with Windows Backups but it should be picking up the agent if powershell shows backups are configured.

I'll go poke at it and see what going on in plugin to detect win10+

Re: Server only or can it monitor Windows 10 and 11 too?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:44 pm
by Cubert
Ok so here is the skinny.

Works on both 10 and 11 with out issue. If you have Windows 7 Backups turned on in available settings.

The plugin works off of the wb-admin.exe tool provided by Windows backups. If you are using the Azure backups then there is a different client for that and not apart of this plugin.

If you can execute wbadmin.exe GET Versions with out error then our plugin will read the agent and update scan statuses in plugin.

Here is an excerpt from our scanning powershell script that captures that data. Try opening a admin ISE powershell console and pasting the code in. Execute it and see if you do not get a return from it.

Code: Select all

if (-not (Test-Path -Path 'C:\Windows\System32\wbadmin.exe')){continue}
$content = WBAdmin.exe GET VERSIONS
if (-not $content){continue}
$newJobLines = @($content | Select-String -Pattern 'Backup time: ')
$i = 0
$newJobLines | ForEach-Object{
      $lineNumberLocation = $_.LineNumber
      $backupLocation = $content[$lineNumberLocation] -replace 'Backup location: '
      $lineNumberVersionIdentifier = $_.LineNumber + 1
      $backupVersionIdentifier = $content[$lineNumberVersionIdentifier] -replace 'Version identifier: '
      $wbAdminDateStringFormat = 'MM\/dd\/yyyy-HH:mm'
      $backupDateTimeFromVersionIdentifier = [DateTime]::ParseExact($backupVersionIdentifier, $wbAdminDateStringFormat, $null)
      $backupDateTimeUtcSpecified = [DateTime]::SpecifyKind($backupDateTimeFromVersionIdentifier, [System.DateTimeKind]::Utc)
      $backupDateTimeLocalTime = $backupDateTimeUtcSpecified.ToLocalTime()
      $backupDateTimeLocalTime = $backupDateTimeLocalTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
      $lineNumberCanRecover = $_.LineNumber + 2
      $backupVersionCanRecover = $content[$lineNumberCanRecover] -replace 'Can recover: '
      $lineNumberCanRecover = $_.LineNumber + 3
      $backupSnapshotID = $content[$lineNumberCanRecover] -replace 'Snapshot ID: '

      $myItems = WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version:$backupVersionIdentifier
      if (-not $myItems){continue}
      $newItemLines = @($myItems | Select-String -Pattern 'Volume ID = ')

      $newItemLines | ForEach-Object{
            $line1NumberLocation = $_.LineNumber
            $Volumes = $myItems[$line1NumberLocation] -replace 'Volume '
            $Volumes = $Volumes -replace "'",""
            $Volumes = $Volumes -replace ","," -"
            $line1NumberVolumeSizeIdentifier = $_.LineNumber + 1
            $VolumeSize = $myItems[$line1NumberVolumeSizeIdentifier] -replace 'Volume size = '
            $line1NumberCanRecoverIdentifier = $_.LineNumber + 2
            $CanRecover = $myItems[$line1NumberCanRecoverIdentifier] -replace 'Can recover = '

         if($i -eq 0){
		    write-Output "($ComputerID, $ClientID,'$backupDateTimeLocalTime','$backupLocation ','$backupVersionIdentifier','$backupVersionCanRecover','$backupSnapshotID','$Volumes','$VolumeSize','$CanRecover')"
		    write-Output ",($ComputerID, $ClientID,'$backupDateTimeLocalTime','$backupLocation ','$backupVersionIdentifier','$backupVersionCanRecover','$backupSnapshotID','$Volumes','$VolumeSize','$CanRecover')"
	      $i ++    
You should get an output like this if volumes exist.
b-99f9-4b82-8e20-b521c8ce4c8e}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 750.00 MB')
,(, ,'2023-01-14 20:00:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Seagate Backup Plus Drive(D:) ','01/15/2023-01:00','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{608bab8
0-7842-4864-beb2-aff63aa8a257}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 750.00 MB')
,(, ,'2023-01-15 20:00:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Seagate Backup Plus Drive(D:) ','01/16/2023-01:00','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{5a34388
b-77f1-4ac7-87eb-85bab611e6f2}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 750.00 MB')
,(, ,'2023-01-16 20:00:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Seagate Backup Plus Drive(D:) ','01/17/2023-01:00','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{d55ead5
0-9822-4942-8f41-013df9f9693f}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 750.00 MB')
,(, ,'2023-01-17 20:00:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Seagate Backup Plus Drive(D:) ','01/18/2023-01:00','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{1aea3dc
6-35f3-4e8f-8dfa-6c7e331fa141}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 750.00 MB')

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>

The Windows 7 backup tool is under all control panel items as seen in image below..

Screenshot 2023-01-18 134352.png
Screenshot 2023-01-18 134352.png (83.77 KiB) Viewed 15769 times

Re: Server only or can it monitor Windows 10 and 11 too?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:43 pm
by mntech

I ran the powershell script you provided on a test machine I have onboarded with Automate running Windows 11 Pro which provided the results below. I have a few days worth of backups made and I am still not seeing the machine show up when I go to the Enable tab and scan for new systems in the Backup Windows plugin. Is there another way I need to add the system to the plugin so I may apply a license for backup monitoring?

Powershell results follow:
(, ,'2023-01-20 08:41:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Backup(D:) ','01/20/20
23-14:41','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{09
c1f48e-a845-4a62-ba89-b6ebcc492643}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not
mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 683.00 MB')
,(, ,'2023-01-20 19:00:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Backup(D:) ','01/21/2
023-01:00','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{7
dcd398f-82ac-467c-acff-dd4de7311eaf}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not
mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 683.00 MB')
,(, ,'2023-01-21 19:00:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Backup(D:) ','01/22/2
023-01:00','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{e
fd27a06-c230-4dfb-9af0-51f3aa28f9c4}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not
mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 683.00 MB')
,(, ,'2023-01-22 19:00:00','Backup target: 1394/USB Disk labeled Backup(D:) ','01/23/2
023-01:00','Volume(s), File(s), Application(s), Bare Metal Recovery, System State','{e
e63c966-8836-47c1-bbb4-797057124768}',' - mounted at <not mounted> ( - mounted at <not
mounted> at the time ','the backup was created)','Volume size = 683.00 MB').

Re: Server only or can it monitor Windows 10 and 11 too?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:54 pm
by mntech
Hi Cubert,

I found another way to enable the plug-in from individual endpoints instead of relying on the enable tab in the main backup windows plugin console. I learned what I needed after reviewing your YouTube videos. Thank you, they were very helpful.

Best regards,
