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Chocolatey Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:49 am
by Troms
Ok I have two Items.

1. I added a package and it doesn;t appear to be working but is in the list of apps, how do i remove it so i can correect the package with further testing?

2. I just installed this plugin a day or two ago and have been testing, when I let the system update at its schedule time I see some of the software show up and gets updated, but if I do the Mass install and selet the pc and ther software, I see the command execute but the software is never installed.

I have tried pyhton, filezilla dropbox, Also a few have error saying they failed when in fact it did install like wire shark.

Re: Chocolatey Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:17 pm
by Cubert

1. I added a package and it doesn;t appear to be working but is in the list of apps, how do i remove it so i can correect the package with further testing?

2. I just installed this plugin a day or two ago and have been testing, when I let the system update at its schedule time I see some of the software show up and gets updated, but if I do the Mass install and selet the pc and ther software, I see the command execute but the software is never installed.

I have tried pyhton, filezilla dropbox, Also a few have error saying they failed when in fact it did install like wire shark.

#1 Remove App globally from approved apps list.

Click the icon next to package you want to do a function on. A function window will pop up and allow you to remove app from list.

Screenshot 2024-04-19 095741.png
Screenshot 2024-04-19 095741.png (99.74 KiB) Viewed 554 times

#2 There can be a lot of reasons a package fails to install. Chocolatey packages are maintained by the public which means not all packages are created equal, regardless of the software title. This means that any package you decide to deploy may have some limitations when deploying.

I prime example of this is listed in the post linked below.


If you read down towards the bottom of page 5 of this post, you will come across a segment where I am assisting someone with the same issues. The end result of my own personal testing showed that on my system the GhostScript package I deployed hangs up my update looking for user intervention. This action negates the whole idea of a package manager as it defeats the autonomous installs, updates, and or uninstalls.

The maintainer of this package should have coded the package deployments and updates in a silent or headless manor to allow automation of their package management.

At some point, Chocolatey will address this as a requirement of maintaining a package, but until then you will see some poorly put together packages.

If you suspect a issue then run just the core part of the command sent to agent in an admin command shell windows on agent to see it's output. You any find that there is something causing issues that prevents the commands from executing successfully.