Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

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Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by MSPTherian »


Since the most recent updates we are seeing issues in Habitat, most notably in Windows Update Assistant and with the "About" page listing the license as expired.

It seems that issues are related to permissions, however, even with admin credentials there are still issues.

"Windows Update Assistant"

For Admins, you can send Windows 11 updates, but not Windows 10 updates or schedule Windows 10 updates.
The "Last Run " Column doesn't show a date.

For anyone not an admin, when you right click and select Update Windows 10 or Schedule Windows 10, the scrren refreshes and turns white, all the computers vanish.

"About Page and License Status"

For Admins we show a current License date of May 9 2023.

For anyone not an admin, we show that the license is expired.

Looking for help as soon as you can, this is a delay in 19045 patching.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by Cubert »

I will assume you are referring to Build:, If this is incorrect just let us know.

Lets look at the license issues first, The license gets validated in several areas so we need to determine if, for you, does it happen at any give area or tool or is it consistently all tools all areas of habitat.

Next you said:
For Admins, you can send Windows 11 updates, but not Windows 10 updates or schedule Windows 10 updates.
The "Last Run " Column doesn't show a date.

For anyone not an admin, when you right click and select Update Windows 10 or Schedule Windows 10, the scrren refreshes and turns white, all the computers vanish.
This I should be able to replicate easily enough. I will have a look at this and see if we can duplicate your issue.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by Cubert »

Looking over license as it is show in main Habitat console.

There is nothing that stops the license check based on user levels so its not that the user (non Super Admin) is being expired. It looks like its falling user class test.

There is a test to see if user is a super admin or user has the "Habitat" user class added to their account. So I believe that may be the issue at hand.

Does your User in question have the "Habitat" user class added to their account?

See this post for more info on User Security

The user will need to log out and back in after any change to account. See if this maybe the problem with license showing expired.

Still looking at your other issue.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by MSPTherian »

Yes, the user has the Habitat role.

Just tested with another user that has the same base permissions as those experiencing the issue. Added the Habitat role, logged out and in and the issue does not exist for them.

Looks like may have to pull the role or look at this as a user account issue that started with the Automate and plugin update.

Stay tuned.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by eurgello »

Having an issue with the recent update as well. Since the update we've had alerts coming in for the same few machines that domain/user has been added to the administrators group on past dates (few months and some 1-2 years ago). Even if those users has already been removed still getting the alerts.

Any resolution to this?

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by Cubert »

That is because we actually fixed an issue with the automation and testing which now causes it to work as expected. Your issue is that you may have some old data that is causing the alarms to fire.

Look at all alarms in viewer and dismiss them. This will then drop out the old data and you should stop getting old alarms.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by vjcsteve »

Dismissing the alarms has not fixed the issue for me. I have dismissed the alarms multiple times per day and they keep regenerating every time the script runs. I've gone through and dismissed the alerts under each system also, but it's become overwhelming as multiple tickets are generated every day.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by Cubert »

LAGM works by creating a snapshot or master list of acceptable users to make sure are there but no other users. This master list is created once when monitor is applied to agent assuming that the agent is as desired when enabling the monitor. If any changes happen from that point a email/ticket may be sent.

If you make a change like adding or removing a user from list then you need to turn off the monitor, ticketing and such then verify current list is as you want it and re apply monitor which will recreate the new master list.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by MSPTherian »

We started receiving hundreds of alerts for removed users for this today.

Please clarify remediation steps.

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Re: Habitat issues after most recent Automate and Habitat updates

Post by Cubert »

Remove, wait a second then readd ticketing and monitoring check boxes for each group of agents. This will cause a new snapshot to be made to test against. Once the new snapshot is in place you should stop receiving emails for that agent until the list changes again.

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