Only 5 of 150 licenses used

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Only 5 of 150 licenses used

Post by mwilhelmi »


we have a total of 150 licenses for Chocolatey for Labtech and only 5 of these are being used.
When I run "Deploy Framwork" for a Client, the number of used licenses is rising. Chocolatey is already installed on many devices.
But after some time the counter for used licenses is set back to 5. The five devices staying licensed are not the all the same every time I try but some stay in. I don't know if this is relevant. Just noticed.

The systems which lost their licenses state "This feature is disabled until Chocolatey Maintenance has run." and still have the framework installed.

What can I do to solve this? What more information is needed?

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Re: Only 5 of 150 licenses used

Post by mwilhelmi »

We also use Habitat on the same system. Ist it possible, that Habitat and Chocolatey4Labtech interfere?

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Re: Only 5 of 150 licenses used

Post by Cubert »

Chocolatey for labtech is reaching EOL, The reason this is is that we have created Chocolatey for Automate, Habitat Application manager and App Genie as replacements for C4L and that C4L does not have the ability to cache access to the repository, as such hinders the process with all the blocks and throttling that it receives from the public repositories.

Thus the latest Chocolatey4Automate 3.5 was released to combat all these new issues introduced to Chocolatey over the last few years.

If you have Habitat and Chocolatey then they will conflict. Habitat App manager is trying to cache apps and Chocolatey 4 Labtech is telling everyone to have a free for all (sorta speak) so your maybe incurring blocks from one that the other is now also effected by.

Seeing you have Habitat I would drop C4L. If anyone reading this does not have Habitat then I would either get Habitat in leu of C4L or upgrade C4L to C4A. This will ensure that your Application Management processes continue to work correctly.

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Re: Only 5 of 150 licenses used

Post by mwilhelmi »

ok, that might explain our isue.
But using Habitat we can´t configure the application list per agent, correct?

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Re: Only 5 of 150 licenses used

Post by Cubert »

Not in the since you do in the old chocolatey but yes you can.

We do not have a automate installer so you can set it and all agents will get X,Y,Z software installed for a given client or agent.

And as I say that I have to stop, Why not!! Habitat should be able to match this ability and so it shall! Instead of me describing how you can work around to get the same functionality, I think I will just go add that functionality to Habitat natively.

Need to give me a week or so to bang out all the code and to run it through our test stages but I will get a new release out that will allow you to configure a package install profile that can be applied to agents or clients.

Thanks for the arm twist ;)

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