Client Application Manager

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Client Application Manager

Post by Cubert »

Main Client View - Maintained Software Titles
You will find a tab on the Client Console called Chocolatey For Automate that will allow you to enable and manage each client individually. Select Workstations and or Servers checkboxes to get started and to populate the agent lists. Once you enable some agents the basics will begin. Over the next few hours the agents will be tested for the Chocolatey framework and installed if missing. The agents will go through a complete scan and if any software installed matches the searches the they will be checked for updates and updates applied if needed. Allow up to 24 hours for this to fully complete across client.

Each client has a Suspend button which will stop the automated processes from running on the agents under that client. This will prevent any scripted functions from operating on client manually as well.

ClientView_Main.png (101.85 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

Main Client View - Installed Software Titles
This view shows the installed software titles for each agent. You can review the titles here to help determine what searches are capturing what installed software is available.

ClientView_Software.png (103.89 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

Agent Menu
The agent menu is available for any enabled agents. This menu lets you control the different features of the tool directly on an agent. To get to any of the menus, select an agent from the list and then right click the agent, package or installed software title to have the menu pop up for you.

ClientView_Main-AgentMenu.png (108.12 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

Agent Chocolatey Package Menu
This menu is available when selecting a managed software title from the installed packages list.

ClientView_Main-PackageMenu.png (104.34 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

Agent Software Menu
This menu allows you manage the uninstall of installed software and provides an easy means to turn a software title into a managed software.

ClientView_Main-Software-Menu.png (106.13 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

Install Packages from Cache
This control allows you to install approved software packages directly from your stored cache to any agent.

InstallSoftwareFromCache.png (19.23 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

Install any package from the Community Repository
This tool allows you to install any packages available on the community repository to any enabled agent.

InstallSoftwareFromCommunityRepo.png (22.13 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

Schedule Updates
This tool allows you to set each client to any updated schedule you feel they may require. Control updated to agent on a daily , weekly or monthly bases.

UpdateScheduler.png (22.2 KiB) Viewed 4866 times

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