Automate or Labtech

Support and questions for using and managing Chocolatey NuGet inside of Labtech
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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Dawid_FS »

You are referring to going to the Tools Menu and launching the Chocolatey Global Management tool. I want to make sure we are on the same page.
Yes,' that's correct.
The client page looks to not be loading at all. Those are not our gauges. So you may also be having an issue there as well.
This was just an example, it's basically showing whatever was open before I switch the tab to Chocolatey as no content is loading.
Are you a super admin of your environment? This will help us determine a possible permissions issue during review
Yes, I am
Have you logged out and launched the Control Center as "Run as Administrator"? This will help make sure that the plugins DLLs are all up to date with what the Automate host currently has and your PC.
Yes and I still get same results.
Lastly is this all consoles you company may use? Do you have multiple techs/engineers and are all of them seeing the same results?
All other users have same issue and that all consoles we use.

Please advise

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Cubert »

Ok the next this we need to do is debug the SQL queries when that tab is selected.

This is fairly easy to do with the Control Center. You will need to turn on the option for SQL SPY in the Control Center configurations then log out and back in to get the new SQL window to pop up.

Once this window pops up it will display every SQL query the Control Center makes as you navigate the Control Center. It provides a "Freeze" button so that it stops capturing once you have the queries you want to see. I need you to copy and paste those queries here so I can see what its trying to retrieve and not getting.

Here is where you turn on that config option.

Screenshot 2022-03-29 152741.jpg
Screenshot 2022-03-29 152741.jpg (128.94 KiB) Viewed 7883 times

After the new login navigate to the client console and select the Chocolatey tab. watch the SQL spy and capture all queries that are looking at "plugins_sw_chocolatey_xxx" tables. You should see at least 3 separate queries.

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Cubert »


We just released Chocolatey For Automate 3.5 today. It is available for upgrade to any active subscription . It will require reconfigure after upgrades as its a new plugin design and does things differently. To read more about it visit the new forum created just for this version.



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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Dawid_FS »


This is everything i get from SQL spy :

Code: Select all

--> EDTSelect count(ComputerID) as Systems, Version from plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps where Application = 'Chocolatey' and Version REGEXP '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*' GROUP BY Version 29.9992

--> EDTSELECT  Application, count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps Group by Application 34.0076

--> EDTSELECT cl.ClientId,cl.Name, (SELECT AutoInstallApps FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_client_config c WHERE c.clientid=cl.clientid ) AS AppListExcluded FROM clients cl  29

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_AutoUpdate' 34.0025

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Installs' 30.8302

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Updates' 32.9992

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Maintenance' 33.9987

--> ExREPLACE INTO `properties` (`Name`,`Value`)  Values ('ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates','NO') 32.0034

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates' 31.9977

--> EDTSELECT * FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_global_config` 28.9989

--> GVSelect Name from computers where ComputerID=0 35.0062

--> ExSELECT hs.ScriptID, hs.ComputerID, CONCAT(IFNULL(CONCAT(sf.Name, '\\'),''), lts.ScriptName) as ScriptName, unix_timestamp(hs.HistoryDate) as HistoryEpochDate, If(hs.scriptstatus = 1, 0, 1) AS Success FROM h_scripts hs LEFT JOIN lt_scripts lts USING (ScriptID) LEFT JOIN scriptfolders sf ON lts.FolderId = sf.FolderId WHERE HistoryDate > from_unixtime(@lastHistoryEpochDate) AND scriptstatus IN (1, 3) 25.9967

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_approved_apps` 28.9995

--> GVSELECT count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps` WHERE Application = 'Chocolatey' and Path is not Null 29.9976

--> ExReplace into properties (Name,Value) Values('CHLC', '40') 33.0034

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Clients` 34.9981

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Locations` 35.9886

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Computers` 33.0115

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Config` 26.0023

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Clients` WHERE ClientID = 1 33.9991

--> EDTSelect count(ComputerID) as Systems, Version from plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps where Application = 'Chocolatey' and Version REGEXP '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*' GROUP BY Version 26.9046

--> EDTSELECT  Application, count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps Group by Application 29.0011

--> EDTSELECT cl.ClientId,cl.Name, (SELECT AutoInstallApps FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_client_config c WHERE c.clientid=cl.clientid ) AS AppListExcluded FROM clients cl  27.0006

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_AutoUpdate' 38

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Installs' 33.9983

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Updates' 33.0004

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Maintenance' 32.9946

--> ExREPLACE INTO `properties` (`Name`,`Value`)  Values ('ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates','NO') 33.8475

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates' 31.0011

--> EDTSELECT * FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_global_config` 28.0021

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_approved_apps` 36.9962

--> GVSELECT count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps` WHERE Application = 'Chocolatey' and Path is not Null 33.9686

--> ExReplace into properties (Name,Value) Values('CHLC', '40') 56.8443

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Clients` 35.0028

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Locations` 32.9986

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Computers` 32.999

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Config` 28.9992

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Clients` WHERE ClientID = 1 27.9989

--> GVSELECT ClassID FROM userclasses Where Name = 'Chocolatey' 34.0017

--> GVSELECT ClassID FROM userclasses Where Name = 'Super Admin' 34.0006

--> EDTSelect count(ComputerID) as Systems, Version from plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps where Application = 'Chocolatey' and Version REGEXP '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*' GROUP BY Version 24.9982

--> EDTSELECT  Application, count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps Group by Application 30

--> EDTSELECT cl.ClientId,cl.Name, (SELECT AutoInstallApps FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_client_config c WHERE c.clientid=cl.clientid ) AS AppListExcluded FROM clients cl  28.002

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_AutoUpdate' 31.9984

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Installs' 31.999

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Updates' 32.0027

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Maintenance' 34.9959

--> ExREPLACE INTO `properties` (`Name`,`Value`)  Values ('ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates','NO') 35.0049

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates' 36.0006

--> EDTSELECT * FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_global_config` 31.9941

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_approved_apps` 26.9984

--> GVSELECT count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps` WHERE Application = 'Chocolatey' and Path is not Null 34.9956

--> ExReplace into properties (Name,Value) Values('CHLC', '40') 25.039

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Clients` 26.0048

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Locations` 23.9992

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Computers` 24.0018

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Config` 36.998

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Clients` WHERE ClientID = 1 26.9992

--> ExSELECT hs.ScriptID, hs.ComputerID, CONCAT(IFNULL(CONCAT(sf.Name, '\\'),''), lts.ScriptName) as ScriptName, unix_timestamp(hs.HistoryDate) as HistoryEpochDate, If(hs.scriptstatus = 1, 0, 1) AS Success FROM h_scripts hs LEFT JOIN lt_scripts lts USING (ScriptID) LEFT JOIN scriptfolders sf ON lts.FolderId = sf.FolderId WHERE HistoryDate > from_unixtime(@lastHistoryEpochDate) AND scriptstatus IN (1, 3) 27.0049

--> GVSelect Name from computers where ComputerID=0 26.0052

--> GVSelect Name from computers where ComputerID=0 25.9992

--> ExSELECT hs.ScriptID, hs.ComputerID, CONCAT(IFNULL(CONCAT(sf.Name, '\\'),''), lts.ScriptName) as ScriptName, unix_timestamp(hs.HistoryDate) as HistoryEpochDate, If(hs.scriptstatus = 1, 0, 1) AS Success FROM h_scripts hs LEFT JOIN lt_scripts lts USING (ScriptID) LEFT JOIN scriptfolders sf ON lts.FolderId = sf.FolderId WHERE HistoryDate > from_unixtime(@lastHistoryEpochDate) AND scriptstatus IN (1, 3) 27.0028

--> EDTSELECT PrivateFileShareId,RelativePath,FileSize,FileHash From PrivateFileShare Where (RelativePath Like 'Mibs%') OR (RelativePath Like 'Reports%')  37.0019

--> EDTSelect count(ComputerID) as Systems, Version from plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps where Application = 'Chocolatey' and Version REGEXP '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*' GROUP BY Version 32.0019

--> EDTSELECT  Application, count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps Group by Application 29.0021

--> EDTSELECT cl.ClientId,cl.Name, (SELECT AutoInstallApps FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_client_config c WHERE c.clientid=cl.clientid ) AS AppListExcluded FROM clients cl  35.0027

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_AutoUpdate' 26.9938

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Installs' 31.0056

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Updates' 23.997

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Maintenance' 31.0009

--> ExREPLACE INTO `properties` (`Name`,`Value`)  Values ('ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates','NO') 28.0022

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates' 33.9983

--> EDTSELECT * FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_global_config` 36.0016

--> ExSELECT hs.ScriptID, hs.ComputerID, CONCAT(IFNULL(CONCAT(sf.Name, '\\'),''), lts.ScriptName) as ScriptName, unix_timestamp(hs.HistoryDate) as HistoryEpochDate, If(hs.scriptstatus = 1, 0, 1) AS Success FROM h_scripts hs LEFT JOIN lt_scripts lts USING (ScriptID) LEFT JOIN scriptfolders sf ON lts.FolderId = sf.FolderId WHERE HistoryDate > from_unixtime(@lastHistoryEpochDate) AND scriptstatus IN (1, 3) 26.9989

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_approved_apps` 26.1785

--> GVSELECT count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps` WHERE Application = 'Chocolatey' and Path is not Null 26.9855

--> ExReplace into properties (Name,Value) Values('CHLC', '40') 27.017

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Clients` 28.9867

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Locations` 24.0148

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Computers` 23.9974

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Config` 24.9411

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Clients` WHERE ClientID = 1 23.9955

--> GVSELECT ClassID FROM userclasses Where Name = 'Chocolatey' 25.0016

--> GVSELECT ClassID FROM userclasses Where Name = 'Super Admin' 27.9867

--> EDTSelect count(ComputerID) as Systems, Version from plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps where Application = 'Chocolatey' and Version REGEXP '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*' GROUP BY Version 26.997

--> EDTSELECT  Application, count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps Group by Application 27.9981

--> EDTSELECT cl.ClientId,cl.Name, (SELECT AutoInstallApps FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_client_config c WHERE c.clientid=cl.clientid ) AS AppListExcluded FROM clients cl  34.9987

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_AutoUpdate' 30.0008

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Installs' 24.999

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Updates' 25.9985

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Maintenance' 27.0022

--> ExREPLACE INTO `properties` (`Name`,`Value`)  Values ('ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates','NO') 27.9963

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates' 28.0029

--> EDTSELECT * FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_global_config` 27.9978

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_approved_apps` 26.9991

--> GVSELECT count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps` WHERE Application = 'Chocolatey' and Path is not Null 27.9995

--> ExReplace into properties (Name,Value) Values('CHLC', '40') 25.9956

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Clients` 30.0034

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Locations` 28.9608

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Computers` 27.0359

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Config` 28.9966

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Clients` WHERE ClientID = 1 29

--> EDTSelect count(ComputerID) as Systems, Version from plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps where Application = 'Chocolatey' and Version REGEXP '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*' GROUP BY Version 28.9977

--> EDTSELECT  Application, count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps Group by Application 27.9986

--> EDTSELECT cl.ClientId,cl.Name, (SELECT AutoInstallApps FROM plugin_sw_chocolateyii_client_config c WHERE c.clientid=cl.clientid ) AS AppListExcluded FROM clients cl  30.9988

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_AutoUpdate' 29.9998

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Installs' 32.9979

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Updates' 29.9356

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_Maintenance' 26.0002

--> ExREPLACE INTO `properties` (`Name`,`Value`)  Values ('ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates','NO') 26.0014

--> GVSelect Value from properties where name = 'ChocolateyII_ForceUpdates' 28.9979

--> EDTSELECT * FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_global_config` 31.0014

--> ExSELECT hs.ScriptID, hs.ComputerID, CONCAT(IFNULL(CONCAT(sf.Name, '\\'),''), lts.ScriptName) as ScriptName, unix_timestamp(hs.HistoryDate) as HistoryEpochDate, If(hs.scriptstatus = 1, 0, 1) AS Success FROM h_scripts hs LEFT JOIN lt_scripts lts USING (ScriptID) LEFT JOIN scriptfolders sf ON lts.FolderId = sf.FolderId WHERE HistoryDate > from_unixtime(@lastHistoryEpochDate) AND scriptstatus IN (1, 3) 31.9993

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_approved_apps` 31.0001

--> GVSELECT count(ComputerID) as Systems  FROM `plugin_sw_chocolateyii_installed_apps` WHERE Application = 'Chocolatey' and Path is not Null 27.9987

--> ExReplace into properties (Name,Value) Values('CHLC', '40') 28.9983

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Clients` 29.0308

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Locations` 27.0051

--> GVSELECT Count(*)  FROM `Computers` 30.0034

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Config` 31.9992

--> EDTSELECT *  FROM `Clients` WHERE ClientID = 1 30.9996

--> GVSELECT ClassID FROM userclasses Where Name = 'Chocolatey' 26.0003

--> GVSELECT ClassID FROM userclasses Where Name = 'Super Admin' 31.0026

--> EDTSELECT c.computerid, c.locationid,, c.os, c.ClientId, as `CompanyName`, as `SiteName`, COALESCE(scinstalled.isscinstalled,0) AS isscinstalled, scinstalled.sessionguid, conf.VNCMode, COALESCE(es.settingsid, les.settingsid, ces.settingsid, '225372E3-79A5-4C57-BD20-BC566BDE9EF4') AS esid, sett.typelevel, sett.enabledeployment, sett.enablereasoncode FROM computers c LEFT JOIN clients cli ON c.ClientId = cli.ClientId LEFT JOIN `locations` loc USING(`locationid`) LEFT JOIN plugin_screenconnect_entitysettings es ON targettype = 1 AND targetid = c.computerid LEFT JOIN plugin_screenconnect_entitysettings les ON les.targettype = 2 AND les.targetid = c.locationid LEFT JOIN plugin_screenconnect_entitysettings ces ON ces.targettype = 3 AND ces.targetid = c.clientid LEFT JOIN `plugin_screenconnect_settings` sett ON = COALESCE(es.settingsid, les.settingsid, ces.settingsid, '225372E3-79A5-4C57-BD20-BC566BDE9EF4') LEFT JOIN plugin_screenconnect_scinstalled scinstalled ON c.computerid = scinstalled.computerid LEFT JOIN computerconfig conf ON c.computerid = conf.ComputerID  WHERE c.ComputerId IN (2526); 30.0017

--> Query: SET @ind_configId = 5025; SET @ind_connId = 0; SET @ind_sessId = '7bb3cafc-14de-4441-846a-19eb7a375513';CALL sp_insert_ind_data(@ind_configId, '', 2, '210.263', 24, @ind_connId, @ind_sessId, '', '', '-18000', 1, 0, NULL, 63785286705064, 63785286706731, ''); SELECT @ind_configId, @ind_connId, @ind_sessId; MS:39

--> Query: SELECT MAX(`ActivityId`) FROM `ind_data` WHERE `ConnectionId` = 6086 MS:28

--> Query: SELECT `ConnectionID` FROM `ind_connection` WHERE `ConfigID` = '-1' AND `SessionIdentifier` = '' AND `LocalIP` = '' AND `ExternalIP` = '' AND `TZOffset` = '0'; MS:30

--> Query: INSERT INTO `ind_config` (`ComputerIdentifier`, `WPFRenderScore`, `ControlCenterVersion`, `UserID`) VALUES('', '2', '210.263', '24'); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); MS:33

--> Query: SELECT `ConfigID` FROM `ind_config` WHERE `ComputerIdentifier` = 'd07db6c8-d883-4e8e-a0bf-39f40be48a9c' AND `WPFRenderScore` = '0' AND `ControlCenterVersion` = '' AND `UserID` = '0'; MS:34

--> Query: SELECT `computerid` FROM `computers` WHERE `flags` & 16384 = 16384 MS:30

Please advise.

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Dawid_FS »


I am still waiting for an update regarding my issue.
Please advise

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Cubert »

@Dawid, from the data sent I see no reason or error for what you describe.

If you would send us an email at support@ with a goon time to reach out to you next week, I will be happy to hop on a Team meeting with you to have a look at what your seeing.

Make sure to reference the plugin name and your @dawid ID so I can put the email with the face sort a speak...

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by mwilhelmi »


we too are having this issue. After clicking the "Chocolatey for Labtech" tab in a clients dashboard nothing happens. Exactly like in Dawids case.
I am curious if you were able to fix this Problem and could share the solution in here?

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Cubert »

Chocolatey for LabTech should be on build

That was the latest build and should work with CW Automate.

Can you verify your CW build versions and the build version of Chocolatey for Labtech?

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by mwilhelmi »

Hello Cubert,

our automate Server is on 2023.1. The Problem startet at the previous version 2022.12.
Chocolatey for Labtech ist on version 2.1.105.
The Problem seens to only occure in clients with the main choco switches "ON". In Clients with this switches "OFF" we can load the plugin.

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Re: Automate or Labtech

Post by Cubert »

Hold, I am having our dev server operator getting us patched up to the present build of Automate.
Let me have a look once that is done to see if I can duplicate the issue. I will get back to you shortly.

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