Here is a list I came up with months ago but my forum login wouldn't work and when I checked today it was working:
* The ability to specify the URL is a fallback if the LTShare is unavailable and not rely on the LTShare to be accessible at all like it appears to be because of ... 10fbb62b4f
* Ability to define a "re-prompt ever "x" minutes if the user denies the update to run.
* Ability to define don't attempt to install if user logged in. (Allow you to continually try to patch a machine but only if no users are logged in... you can tell users to logout every night for the next few days and the majority will be updated out of hours etc)
* Ability to create multiple schedules and link them to a Client / Location / Device / Device Group?
* If "download to agent" is ticked verify the volume the LT Agent is saving to has "x" amount of required space (ISO + Extracted ISO) and if not then skip with an error. (Could potentially have it raise an alert)
* If "download to agent" is ticked then check if file already exists and if so hash check file else download iSO and hash check it BEFORE bringing up the HTA file (If you cant hash check the original files then have an optional field on Upgrade Configuration for hashes)
* Add a "Open Console" option to the right-click menu of "Patch Success" TAB tables
* Update the MK Script to check if the Windows Update service is Disabled and if so change it to the appropriate startup status in regards to the OS version. (Go one step further and make sure the service exists and registry keys for the service exist)
* If a device is offline when the script un-sleeps from an upgrade it will fail and wont perform the cleanup tasks / insert results into Patch Remedy tables, maybe check more often then at 2.7h and if agent is offline when you check then sleep the check again ? (Also if there is a maintenance task checking its installed version maybe it could cleanup these files if found they still existing)
* The cleanup tasks doesn't delete the iSO if you enable "download to agent".
* When you run commands such as "Attempt OS Upgrade Now" it refreshes the table and re-orders it differently.
* Can you make the column headings also filters, so say on the "Windows 10 Upgrade" TAB you could easily filter to show only "Client" "ABC" and "Version" "10.0.17134" so to make it easy to kick off a manual upgrade or change the settings for a group of devices. (also you could easily search for a specific device using "Systems" column heading)
* Add the "Location" heading to all the TAB's (especially Windows 10 Upgrade) to be able to sort and filter (if you implement above) by location.
* Ability to hide Clients (AKA their devices) which you have un-ticked under "Configure" > "Scan only selected clients".
Feature Requests
Re: Feature Requests
* Ability to customise the pop-up message and comment that appears on the users screen asking them if they accept and also the message after advising them the process has started
* The LTTray process is notorious for not reporting if a user is logged in, add a fall-back to use WMI or similar to check.
* Ability to only prompt the user to run the setup once the ISO copy / extraction has been successful since it adds more time to the process when it could be done in the background first etc.
* The LTTray process is notorious for not reporting if a user is logged in, add a fall-back to use WMI or similar to check.
* Ability to only prompt the user to run the setup once the ISO copy / extraction has been successful since it adds more time to the process when it could be done in the background first etc.
Re: Feature Requests
These are all good suggestions, we are working on a new plugin that might have a spot for some of your insights. Keep an eye on the forums for announcements and beta trials.