Client View

This forum holds the documentation for the Silo plugin. It is not for general issue resolution posts but to maintain the plugins support and operation.
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Client View

Post by Cubert »

Client View - Agent Status
You can view the current status of any miner by selecting the agent from the client list. The status area includes the current uptime of the mining software (not the PC). ConnUptime is the actual time the miner has been tied to a pool. This view also shows the current number of hashes the miner has produced along with the number of hashes that were accepted or rejected by the pool.

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Client View - Agent Configure
The configure tab allows you to set the worker types, the pool to assign the worker and the wallet where you want payment to go. When the agent is initialized it will use these setting in the mining process. Each agent can be assigned different pools and wallets or you can use the same pool and wallet for multiple agents or clients.

You can configure either CPU mode or GPU mode selecting either the Cuda(Nvidia Videocards) or OpenCL (AMD Ratheon Cards) or both CPU and GPU. CPU will work with any agents but only use GPU for agents with high end graphic cards.

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Client View - Agent Scheduler
The Silo plugin allows you to configure what times the miner operates. You can select the individual days of the week and the start and end times for the miner operations. If you set the same start and end time then the miner will run 24 hours a day for the days selected. You can select the "run all weekend" flag which will cause miners to skip the stop functions when the end time is reached if they are operating on a weekend. This allows you to set a 6 PM to 6 AM cycle Monday through Friday and then not stop Friday night until 6 AM Monday morning.

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Client View - Agent Logs
Agent logs reports the different operations of the plugin as they happen either through automation or manually by engineer. You can use the logs to verify the stat of the agent and if any action may be needed.

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Worker Controls
To start and stop the automated control of the agent you will use the "Play" / "Pause" control. This control enables and disables the automation of the miner. You can manually control the operation of the miner with the Start and stop buttons. These will force the miner on or off immediately.

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