Global Console

This forum holds the documentation for the Silo plugin. It is not for general issue resolution posts but to maintain the plugins support and operation.
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Global Console

Post by Cubert »

Global Viewer
This view provides access to the individual dashboards for each Wallet/pool combination of miners deployed. Get quick access to revenue trackers with just one click of the Wallet|Pool menu items. Launch client consoles direct from this view to manage and configure mining agents. Get updated stats on the current production of blocks from all miners in operation and be able to view the activity logs for all active agents.

MainView.jpg (202.49 KiB) Viewed 3233 times

Manage Pools
Mining pools allow miners to combine their computational resources in order to increase their chances of finding and mining blocks on a blockchain. If a mining pool succeeds, the reward is distributed across the mining pool, in proportion to the amount of resources that each miner contributed to the pool.

The Silo Plugin uses mining pool to improve the odds of the miners. You can configure as many pools are you like.

ManagePoolsView.jpg (106.8 KiB) Viewed 3233 times

To add a new pool to the plug, select the manage Pools button at top of plugin and then fill out the information requested. When adding a dashboard URL make sure to include the full request URL excluding any wallet IDs. Wallet IDs will be added to the end of the URL when select from dashboard.

Manage Wallets
Currently the Silo plugin supports the XMR crypto currency, A.k.a Monero. You can get their wallet by going to the following URL. It is free and easy to generate a new Wallet ID that you will then use during mining to get revenue paid out to you.
Monero Means Money! It is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency that keeps your finances confidential and secure.

You can have more than 1 wallet id, in fact you can have as many as you like. You may find that having a wallet for each client helps manage any profit sharing you might provide your clients. To add a wallet to the plugin select the Manage Wallet button and fill out the friendly name for your wallet and the wallet ID. The wallet ID's we be available at the client level to configure the wallet and pool each agent will use.

ManageWalletsView.jpg (115.44 KiB) Viewed 3233 times

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