Device Backups

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Device Backups

Post by Cubert »

Automatic Backups
The scanning of the device automatically causes a daily backup of the firewalls configuration XML file. This file can become quite large is you have a lot of configurations. The size of storage used to hold all backups for this device are shown in the display tab. The automation prunes the backup database removing backups older than 30 days.

Device-Backups.jpg (90.53 KiB) Viewed 2437 times

Export Backup XMLs to Your PC
By Selecting a given backup from the list and then selecting the Export XML File button will cause your console to download and store a copy of the XML locally on your PC in the c:\temp directory as "Backup-DeviceName-DateOfBackup.xml"

Device-BackupExports.jpg (45.71 KiB) Viewed 2437 times

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