How-to Setup And Use The ADUC

This is the documentation project for the ADUC plugin.
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How-to Setup And Use The ADUC

Post by Cubert »

The ADUC (Active Directory UC) brings easy operation of basic controls of Active Directory for any client with a DC present. Things that would require you to login and access the Active Directory Services directly to add or change is now at your finger tips directly from the Client Console.

The plugin will not place an Active Directory UC Tab on a Client console if no DC is present!

So here is how simple it is to setup and use the plugin.

Launch the Client Console

Double click a client in your Control Center to open the Client Console. Inside the console are many tabs (if you like plugins), find the Active Directory UC tab and click it. You should see the image below if this is the first time this client has been setup.

NewDCFound.PNG (42.62 KiB) Viewed 11404 times

Click the Setup Button

The setup but will launch the collector window where you can select the DC you want to use to poll data from. Select the DC from the list then select the collector button. It will go out in real time to poll the data from the Clients AD services and will populate Automate. Typically this takes 5 to 7 minutes depending on the agent, DC, network and so on.

Collector.PNG (29.53 KiB) Viewed 11404 times

That's It you now ready to use the plugin! The plugin will poll the DC regularly to make sure it is in sync with the directory data. This polling is handled by Automate's Automation from this point forward but you can always use the collector as a convenient refresh of data when desired. All controls happen in real time so you will not need to wait for function to get through a queue.

Using the Active Directory UC tool.

Once you have completed the setup the tab will change to a view of the Users and Groups subtabs. Now the fun begin, from this view you have control over adding new users, editing user data, removing users, adding and removing users to and from groups. On the Groups subtab you can add new groups, edit groups, add and remove groups to or from groups. You can enable or disable users as well as unlock user accounts and reset passwords.

Just right click the users list to pop up a menu of items you can control.

User_menus.PNG (16.89 KiB) Viewed 11398 times

Manage users and their assigned groups

ClientConsole_UsersTab.PNG (68.95 KiB) Viewed 11404 times

Manage groups and groups with in groups.

ClientConsole_GroupsTab.PNG (70.63 KiB) Viewed 11398 times

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