Habitat Agent Status History Tool

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Habitat Agent Status History Tool

Post by Cubert »

Habitat's Agent Status History is a trending tool that monitors agents online and offline statuses over time.

The tool can be accessed from the Habitat Control Panel.

Habitat-Control-Panel.PNG (120.08 KiB) Viewed 4296 times

On first launch and anytime the Enable Agent Data Collection is not checked (enabled) you are presented with a welcome message from our team. In the welcome message is information on how to enable the service and how it works. It also gives yo an example of how to query the database to return any history on any agent you seek.

AgentStatus_NoData.PNG (46.65 KiB) Viewed 4296 times

Enable Agent Data Collection

Once the service is enabled, the Automate Host during its 6 minute cycle will snapshot to our plugin all offline agents for us to record. This happens only on the Automate host as part of the DBAgents Service timeframes. You will only need to wait a few minutes for data to start collecting but will need to allow 30 days to accumulate before all charts are complete with data.

Global Retention Policy

The global retention policy allows you to manage the amount of data retained by the plugin. You have several options, you can select from 1 to 180 days to retain offline agent data or select none to prevent pruning of the data. In large environments unless you are going to work in pruning in some other manor this would not be an ideal setting. The default setting is 90 days.

History Timeline

History timeline chart is a line graph displaying the daily agent count showing offline (Over 5 minutes without a check in) and the maximum online agents for the same time frame. This graph charts the last 30 of days of data.

AgentStatus_HistoryTimeline.PNG (30.37 KiB) Viewed 4296 times

Hours of the day

The hour of the day chart is a bar graph of the last 24 hours and displays the max offline and online agent for each hour. If an agent goes offline multiple times in one hour it is only counted once.

AgentStatus_HourOfDay.PNG (33.1 KiB) Viewed 4296 times

Day of the week

The day of the week chart is a bar graph of the last 7 days and displays the max offline and online agent for each day. If an agent goes offline multiple times in one day it is only counted once.

AgentStatus_DayOfWeek.PNG (25.63 KiB) Viewed 4296 times

How-to extract data

The tool collects the offline status of each agent over time at 10 times per hour. You can use our SQL Analyzer tool or any of the Automate tools that will accept raw SQL like Automate Internal Monitors to query the data from our plugin.

Here is an example of a query for ClientID #1 and the number of agents that were reported offline for that client per day of the week.

Code: Select all

SELECT DayNAME(EntryDate) as DayOfWeek, count(distinct(computerID)) as OfflineAgents  FROM plugin_p4a_habitat_agent_status WHERE date(EntryDate) > subdate(current_date, 7) and ClientID = 1  GROUP BY dayofweek(EntryDate)
Capture.PNG (7.57 KiB) Viewed 4296 times

Here is an example of a query that gets all agents that went offline for each day along with their names for client #1.

Code: Select all

SELECT DATE(EntryDate) as DayOfYear, COUNT(Distinct(ComputerID)) as OfflineAgents, GROUP_CONCAT(distinct(Name) SEPARATOR ', ') as Agents FROM plugin_p4a_habitat_agent_status where clientID = '1' GROUP BY DAY(EntryDate)
Capture1.PNG (7.7 KiB) Viewed 4296 times

Feel free to post your own SQL queries below for others to use to report on agent status.

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