App Genie Setup

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App Genie Setup

Post by RavManIT »

Hey Guys - we tried to roll out app genie with citrix 4.9 - instead it dual installed citrix 4.12 causing the tested systems to brick up for citrix users. We have now resolved the issue and disabled app genie.

We are looking to hire someone for a couple hours to look at app genie and if they have experience patch remedy to get us setup properly. If you are interested please let me know thanks.


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Re: App Genie Setup

Post by Cubert »

As for the updates

If you disable the current citrix rule you can add a new rule that sets that Citrix repo package to only install if version XYZ is installed and not include 4.09

Another option is to get Citrix on the right path by uninstalling it and installing 4.12 in its place via the Chocolatey framework. See if as the package updates that it updates the installed package and not duplicate another install.

A great resource will be the Chocolatey forums where package maintainers are present and can talk about how they have packages designed for installs and updates. There maybe some methods to prevent the issues your seeing.

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