How Often Does App Genie Run?

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How Often Does App Genie Run?

Post by Cubert »

App Genie has a backend automation service inside of Automate the runs within the first 6 minutes of every hour. The service wakes up every hour to see if there is any new items to manage from the Automate servers perspective.

During this time and depending on the Rabbit or Turtle setting the Automate server will look to schedule App Genie Maintenance on the agent in the form of a script. This Maintenance does 1 of three functions but only one function per schedule run.

These functions are:
  • Framework installs
  • New Application Associations
  • Application Updates
Framework installs
This function validates that the chocolatey framework was deployed to agent and if not deploys it. A simple version requests tests install making the function zero impact on desktop users with script runs in the seconds.

New Application Associations
This function checks the local labtech database for software matches that we have not previously found (newly installed software) and sets the Chocolatey associations to allow future updates.

Application Updates
This function does the software updates. It checks the list of software and looks for version changes, if found it updates only that software during run. Only software out of date is issued updates.

In Bunny Mode:
  • 2AM - Framework
  • 3AM - Associations
  • 4AM - Update Apps
  • 6AM - Associations
  • 7AM - Framework
  • 8AM - Associations
  • 9AM - UpdateApps
  • 10AM - Framework
  • 11AM - Associations
  • 12AM - Framework
  • 1PM - Associations
  • 2PM - Framework
  • 3PM - Associations
  • 4PM - Update Apps
  • 5PM - Framework
  • 6PM - Associations

In Turtle Mode:

  • 4AM - Framework
  • 5AM - Associations
  • 6AM - Update Apps

As you can see in Bunny mode we are testing and looking almost every hour so you will quickly see data in bunny mode after a plugin deployment but running in this mode indefinitely will be reflected in extra logs and script schedule entries. Our team suggests you run the first 24 to 48 hours like a bunny and slow your roll down to a turtles pace afterwards.

To see where in the automation process your Automate Server is at, visit the C:\programdata\labtech\logs\plugin-AppGenie.txt file for each run cycle.


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