Proper way to Remove CCleaner

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Proper way to Remove CCleaner

Post by schester »

I'm trying to get together some processes to follow when retiring a computer. Historically, our techs have just retired the workstation in LabTech, but I suspect that we probably need to be un-licensing the computer so it is no longer tying up a license.

Do we need to un-license the computer? Or will it drop off the list automatically at some point?

If we need to un-license the computer, does this need to be done when the device is still online or can it be done at a later time?

Should we take the time to uninstall CCleaner as well? All computers are wiped before disposal so I'm not worried about this application running in the future on the computer, but we also want to make sure we are following the best practice.

Of course, if retiring/deleting the agent handles the licensing then we don't have to worry.

The easier the better and no one wants to take more time when retiring a computer, but we really want to make sure we aren't paying for extra licenses that aren't actually being used.

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Re: Proper way to Remove CCleaner

Post by Cubert »

If the agent is being deleted from the computers table in Labtech it will automatically fall off of the Ccleaner counts. If you are using our latest builds then you can unlicense an agent leaving it active to analyze and not clean and free up a license as well.

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