C4A 3.6 updates/changes

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Re: C4A 3.6 updates/changes

Post by Cubert »

On several test I run, A failure within the update does not stop the update for most of the other packages. It's when a package requires user intervention is where the "automated" or "scripted" functions break. The whole idea behind Chocolatey was to make an autonomous software installer.

So this is not a failure of the plugin or Chocolatey as a whole. It's a failure of a package maintainer to provide a hands off install and uninstall process for the software title they are maintaining.

In Ghostscript case, the provide a hands off install but when upgrading, they uninstall the old and reinstall a new version. This uninstall want's verification of the uninstall before it proceeds. The maintainer could of done several things at this point but chose the simplest method, run the uninstaller without conforming to a silent uninstall.

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