Check Box Settings

Patch Remedy 5 is the next generation of the Plugins4Automate Patch Remedy family of products.
This forum is used to support Patch Remedy 5 only, if your using a previous version of Patch Remedy please see the forum for that version below.
Inside you will find the documentation project for the plugin were you can get insights on how to operate and use Patch Remedy 5.
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Check Box Settings

Post by MMJosh »

I'm having trouble making sure the settings do what I think they do, the plugin page and video weren't clear, so I want to confirm. I used Patch Remedy in the past but not this latest version.

Client Image: ... 1649692465
Workstation Image: ... 1655385287

There is a box with "disable services" and the following checks.
Patch Remedy - If checked, patch rememdy does not scan.
(PR) OS Upgrades - If checked, PR does not do OS upgrades.
(PR) Auto Upgrades - If checked, PR does not do Auto Upgrades.

Under a specific machine there is addtionally the following checks.
Defer Updates - Disables defer updates?
Windows Auto Update - Disables Windows Updates locally?

Can I assume if these are checked, these items are OFF. IE: If checked, OS upgrades wont do any upgrades?
I need to be 100% sure a machine is not going to patch/update/reboot EXCEPT during the time we have scheduled within Automate. We have a number of... vocal clients who we'll here from if this isn't configured correctly.

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Re: Check Box Settings

Post by Cubert »

By default Windows OS wants to update it's self. This is why we provide the controls as a check to disable verses a check to enable.

At the client view the check boxes are more symbolic as they will change if the environment changes.

Let me explain,

You are preparing a client to "Scan only" in Patch Remedy so in the client view you uncheck the Patch remedy box and check the two (PR) boxes. This will cause PR to set for each agent under client to scan only and not to directly cause any updates. This box will remain check as long as all agents are set the same. A week later a new agent shows up and is "unconfigured", you open RP at the client view and the Patch Remedy check box is no longer checked.

What happened?
The client Patch Remedy check box represents the state of the client as a whole. By using the controls it forces all agent to conform to its settings (at the time it is set). If at a later date one or more agents change their PR settings this flag will no longer represent full compliance as at least one agent is not currently set that way.

To get all agents back in compliance, recheck the box and the agent in question should be reverted to current settings. Each agent has the same settings available to that defines it's true state.

This is most common when disabling Patch Remedy scans as by default an agent gets scanned but no updates applied. A new agent would come in scanning but not updating which means scans for the client are not off (1 agent scanning), which will cause Patch Remedy scans checkbox at the client level to uncheck.

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Re: Check Box Settings

Post by Cubert »

Just a FYI,

We have updated how clients and agents are enabled or disabled and have moved Scanner automation to a master group called Patch Remedy. This allows you to manage the scan schedules easily and spread the scans out over a block of time.

We will be releasing build later this week. Follow the main forum for announcements.

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