Patch Remedy box enabled

Patch Remedy 5 is the next generation of the Plugins4Automate Patch Remedy family of products.
This forum is used to support Patch Remedy 5 only, if your using a previous version of Patch Remedy please see the forum for that version below.
Inside you will find the documentation project for the plugin were you can get insights on how to operate and use Patch Remedy 5.
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Re: Patch Remedy box enabled

Post by Cubert »

we would like Patch remedy and updates disabled for all new customers until we specifically enable them.

This should be the norm I believe. We typically start all plugin setting in the off position for any new customer. If the customer is enabled then an agent joining the customer may be enabled by default but as for a new client this should be fully disabled.

Are you seeing a different result? If so I will look into this and get that fixed.

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Re: Patch Remedy box enabled

Post by dbitters »

We do have the latest version.
We also have over 100 clients and over 5000 agents, so that it probably the cause of the slowness.
I didn't realize the tab for Patch remedy existed on the client's tab.
That tab is significantly faster and easier to use for our purposes with more objects, so thanks for the heads up on that.
However, we onboarded three more clients this past month, and Patch Remedy was enabled for those customers.
I didn't realize the issue until complaints started coming in as we transitioned management from a previous vendor, and we inadvertently caused all their existing systems to start patching without their authorization.
Patch Remedy probably fixed an issue with their existing systems, which is great, but not when we are expecting it to be disabled.
I'm also unable to disable Patch Remedy for the client until at least one computer is onboarded.
I'm not sure if it's possible to address that. Otherwise, I need to move over a test system to that customer in order to disable Patch Remedy.
Eventually, we will enable it for newly onboarded clients, but we can't have anything enabled while transitioning a customer from a previous vendor, especially when we are trying to do it under the radar without the users of that customer knowing about the transition.
Thanks for your assistance.

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Re: Patch Remedy box enabled

Post by dbitters »

Continued from the last message...
We also did some cleanup of our agents and clients, and I had Labtech Support purge 15 thousand retired assets.
I'm hoping that will help with performance with this plugin or any others that could have been slowing down due to an abundance of old agents and objects.
If there is any maintenance we need to do for Patch Remedy please let me know because we have at least 5 years of Patch Remedy usage on about 20 thousand agents. Granted, we purged 15 thousand last week, but either way, I'm trying to do as much cleanup as possible to make sure the database and plugins run a little smoother.
Thanks again for your suggestions and assistance.

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Re: Patch Remedy box enabled

Post by Cubert »

I'll look into the auto enabled clients issue, that should not be that way.

As for cleanup,

Now that your on PR5 you can delete all tables that start with plugin_sw_patch_remedy_XXXXX

These are old tables and are for PR4.

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