Released Build

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Released Build

Post by Cubert »

I have released build that adds 2 new features to Chocolatey.

#1 Added Error logging retrieve to the Chocolatey scanner script. It will look for and parse out the chocolatey.log file looking for Errors, If it finds any errors in log it will capture the error and date and save it to Automate.

It will then remove the log file. Next scan will repeat the log scan, if new file appears with errors in it the current logs will be replaced with the new logs.

This means you could have potential logs on any update or install execution. If errors exits we will import them. You will only ever see Error logs and only the latest errors.

#2 We added a Chocolatey Source reset to the Scanner script. If agents had either sources or UNC enabled, then disables them both, the scanner script on next scan will auto reset the default repo back to chocolatey public repo.

Auto Updates should happen tonight!

Screenshot 2024-04-19 122244.png
Screenshot 2024-04-19 122244.png (56.91 KiB) Viewed 2829 times

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