Mac Sudo Manager

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Mac Sudo Manager

Post by Cubert »

Homebrew does not require permissions to install most packages but there are some packages that require permissions to install. These packages tend to be requesting access to privileged devices or wants to create a background service. It these cases, allowing APM to provide permissions allows the install or update of these packages.

By Default, APM will use a local variable (%lastuser%) to install packages, if the Sudo Account is not set for agent.

The Mac Sudo Manager allows you to manage different Sudo user accounts and passwords across your RMM environment. The users and passwords are used during the install and update processes inside Automate. If a Sudo User is not provided for the agent, then Automate will attempt to use the variable (%lastuser%) in the place of a set Sudo User account.

To Access the APM Sudo Manager, Navigate to Enable Agents in the main plugin and select the Mac Sudo button

Enable_Agents-sudouser.png (59.62 KiB) Viewed 7489 times

That will open the Mac Sudo Manager

MacSudoManager-intro.png (71.34 KiB) Viewed 7489 times

Here you can view all current Mac agents and the Sudo User currently in use.

MacSudoManager-sudouser.png (26.35 KiB) Viewed 7489 times

You can add, edit, or delete Sudo user account, Provide a friendly name for the account, the usename and password and save to Automate. Automate will encrypt the password when storing it in Automate.

MacSudoManager-addsudouser.png (34.64 KiB) Viewed 7489 times

You can assign Sudo users to one or more agents at a time by selecting the Sudo account and selection 1 or more agents from agent list.

MacSudoManager-AssignSudoUser.png (27.59 KiB) Viewed 7489 times

You can see the Sudo assignments as a EDF under the Agent. You can remove or change the value of this EDF to match any Sudo Account Automate is managing manually. You can alos use the Assign Sudo tool to assign and remove Sudo Accounts from agents.

MacSudoManager-EDF.png (58.84 KiB) Viewed 7489 times


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