Agent Updates

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Agent Updates

Post by Cubert »

The Agent Update view displays all agents that are enabled and have at least 1 update available.

Each agent listed that has a policy assigned may be between schedules and may eventually resolve themselves.
You have the option in this view to manually push out the update commands or enable / disable Auto Updates with or without an assigned policy that has not defined auto updates prior. If auto updates have been executed on agent at least once, you will see the date that last update ran on agent.

You can open agent and location consoles directly from this view to quickly navigate the EDFs set for the agent.

MainConsole_AgentUpdates.png (59.57 KiB) Viewed 3161 times

If agents are not assigned a policy and are set to Auto Update then the agent will attempt updates daily between noon and 1 pm. if the agent has a policy set then it will follow the policy's schedule.


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