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Duplicate versions of habitat running outside of plugin manager

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:55 pm
by sashdown
Hi P4A

This may well be more a question to post to Connectwise regarding our hosted automate platform, however, recently there does appear to be two versions of habitat installed on our system? One of which disappears when the plugin is set to disabled in plugin manager.

with the plugin disabled client sites still have the habitat options visible and the admin console for it is still available.

When the plugin is enabled, there are two seemingly identical admin consoles available and the client config windows have two lots of each plugin option. The tab with the small green habitat logo is the one which remains
habitat.PNG (17.58 KiB) Viewed 2484 times
Please could you advise if this is something you have seen happen previously and where to remove the second version of the plugin ?

Re: Duplicate versions of habitat running outside of plugin manager

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:35 pm
by Cubert
Ok I suspect that there was a resent attempt to update Habitat manually?

The person did not first select Habitat from the plugin list before selecting to update plugin and navigating to the Habitat DLL file.

Automate has a "flaw" in my opinion that allows users to update plugin (A) with a DLL from Plugin (B). Yes you read that correctly. If you do not physically select a plugin to update from the plugin list first, but instead just click to update plugins, Automate will select the first plugin in your list to update using the DLL you are selecting. The DLL will have a different Name, GUID and other aspects but Automate will allow it anyways.

Your only protection is a POP up at the time you upgrade DLL that GUID is different and you get a OK or Cancel button. The box looks just like the "Plugin updated successfully" pop up box so everyone clicks the "OK"

How do you know what plugin is corrupted?

Start with the top plugin and start disabling them one by one. Re launch console and test to see when the tabs disappear. That will be the plugin that needs to be re updated to its original DLL. You may also find the rouge plugin as it should have the same version number as Habitat.

This has been a problem since the beginning, not sure why they would not force GUIDs to match or force it as a new install of a new plugin.

Re: Duplicate versions of habitat running outside of plugin manager

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:54 pm
by sashdown
Hi Cubert, that was indeed the case. Thanks for your expert input ! :)

Re: Duplicate versions of habitat running outside of plugin manager

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:26 pm
by Cubert
Always glad to help!