Using Chocolatey Caching Proxy

This forum documents the Chocolatey for Automate 3.6 plugin
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Using Chocolatey Caching Proxy

Post by Cubert »

Assuming you have read and completed the "For $7 dollars, Run a Chocolatey Cache Proxy for all clients under your MSP"

You should have an active URL that is user protected running, that is reachable by the clients network. From the global chocolatey manager select to add a repo.

addSourceRepo.png (57.05 KiB) Viewed 4423 times

Next, add in the values to your new Caching Proxy. Make sure to save before closing.

addsourceRepoAccount.png (34.5 KiB) Viewed 4423 times

Lastly you need to tell your clients to use the available (active) sources. To do this, launch a client console and select any agent in the client list. Right click to expose menu and select to set client to use sources. This will cause all agents under client to be flagged for adding sources. This will cause the agents to join the C4A Manage Sources subgroup for a limited time. While joined to this group, it will process all the active sources provided adding them to each enabled agent under client. You can have just one main source caching proxy and assign it to any number of clients. Once a package is cached at proxy, it's available for any client to download.

SetClientToUseSources.png (89.63 KiB) Viewed 4423 times

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