Agent data from a client never populates

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Agent data from a client never populates

Post by NetworkGuy3000 »

The agent data from one particular client never populates. This client has 1259 agents, its very slow to populate any data for this and the individual agents never show. Agent Installed Failed Available %Percent section is the part that is missing. Is there some soft cap or maximum?

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Re: Agent data from a client never populates

Post by Cubert »

Honestly, never had access to a client with that many endpoint to test against so I do not know what to expect from the Control Center. It could require untold number of queries to pull in data for 1200 agents at once.

You could run the SQL SPY while launching the Patch Remedy plugin to see how SQL Spy reacts to that many agents at once being queried. Patch Remedy gets data from all over Automate and from its own collection. It has to put several queries together per agent to capture the data needed for agent display. It then attempts to refresh this data every 3-5 minutes behind the scenes. For 500 agents under one client this should be acceptable time frame to complete the polling but 1200 puts us well beyond twice the size and so based on hardware, memory, load, etc, etc... Could you be making more queries then your completing in the timeframe? Quite plausible.

SQL SPY will help you determine if this is the case.

If upon opening and selecting your company you see SQL spy goes ape shit and does not stop scrolling queries for as long as you maintain the window open for that company then I would say your overrunning the current systems ability to complete a polling cycle. This could cause issues with the display loading correctly to display data.

Now this is for displaying the data in the plugin. You may still have the data you seek in the sql tables for the plugin. So to determine if this is just a data loading issue and not a missing data issue we can again look at SQL SPY as it is showing the polling queries. Is there any actual data being returned in the queries when viewed from SQL SPY? If the data is there then we are just dealing with a data loading issue.

Your overall agent count will also have some perspective as well as the number of clients.

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Re: Agent data from a client never populates

Post by NetworkGuy3000 »

Today it loaded the client data after looking at it in SQL spy, it looks like the data is there just not populating or very very very slow to populate into the window. Two things I've noticed: One when printing the report it only prints the single page and not the entire list of agents and statuses. Second is when I try to expand the Agent column to see the full name it doesn't do anything. Makes identifying the troubled agents by name difficult. Performance wise it's not completely unusable but pretty close on this client. Any click on this client takes a while to load if it does at all, but the other smaller clients(sub 100)load well. Is there a way to add an export to excel or csv, I'd rather not have to dump data from the SQL backend to accomplish my goal of identifying failed agents that need to be fixed. Also is there a way from the OS Types to drill down into the numbers and see which agents are on the older OS types? If not can that be added as a feature?

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Re: Agent data from a client never populates

Post by Cubert »

Yea, kinda what I was expecting..

1250 + agents in a single client is an extreme case. I wounder what else chugs on that client when trying to get through processes. That may be a good use case for breaking clients of that volume up into regions (sub clients) to make it more manageable by Automate.

What ever feature you may use in the Control Center when dealing with a client of that size ends up loading data for 1250 end points. You might find that the Control center as a whole operates a little quicker across client.

I'll look into the report and see if there is something we can do.

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