Silver and Gold Locks

This forum is used to support the BitLocker for Automate plugin. You will find documentation on the plugin as well as an area to post issues and requests. Please post
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Silver and Gold Locks

Post by bfalco »

Hello I have agents showing silver locks when they are encrypted and display keys. Other are gold as they should be. All system here are encrypted.
Silver and gold locks.png
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Re: Silver and Gold Locks

Post by Cubert »

The query that builds this list is below. In the query the following captures a numeric value for current On/Off status. That value correlates to an image from an image list object in .dotNet. (IF((v.ProtectionStatus = 'On'),'1','2') As Img)

If Protection status = "On" then image = 1st image from list else image = 2nd from image list.

If you run the SQL query below, can you send us back the data? Select several agent ID's that show both on and off drives images and see what is returned here. Is it the image list being flakey or the data says its off when its really ON.

If you get Off data returned then lets test the bitlocker status on agent to see what command line says about current staus of encryption.

I really expect it to be a flakey list or just invalid data.

Where as computerID replaces {0} in SQL query below

Code: Select all

SELECT d. DriveID as ID,ConCat('',d.Letter,': - ',d.Model, '  Drive Size (',d.Size,'MB)') as Name, IF((v.ProtectionStatus = 'On'),'1','2') As Img FROM drives d LEFT JOIN plugin_p4a_bitlocker_volumes v ON d.ComputerID = v.ComputerID and d.letter = v.MountPoint WHERE d.FileSystem = 'NTFS' and d.ComputerID ='{0}' ORDER BY d.letter

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