Clients and Agents Tab (Client View)

The documentation project is a set of posts designed to describe in great detail how the plugin operates and how you can manage the plugin inside ConnectWise Automate.
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Clients and Agents Tab (Client View)

Post by Cubert »

This page is in Beta and is subject to change

Here is what you want to see
When you select a client from the client list the first thing you will want to view is the overall patch status of your client. This is the quickest way to see how well your patching services are doing.

AgentsUptoDateCounter.PNG (1.81 KiB) Viewed 2307 times

Clients and Agents Tab (Client View)
When you select a client under this tab you are presented with configuration controls and data about that client in general. All counters, charts and controls will now manage the client your working with.

clients-agents-tab-client.png (69.45 KiB) Viewed 1527 times

In the client information view is a control that allows you to manage the automation of the client. Selecting the different check boxes you can turn on or off different features of the Patch Remedy services.

ClientAgentHotfixCount-Menuview.PNG (20.35 KiB) Viewed 2285 times

The agents patch list displays the current known status of each agent under the client. Each of the dots represents a state of that agent.

bullet_red.png (471 Bytes) Viewed 2293 times
Agent is offline

bullet_orange.png (487 Bytes) Viewed 2293 times
Agent has never been scanned by Patch Remedy

bullet_blue.png (487 Bytes) Viewed 2293 times
Agent is pending a reboot

bullet_white.png (437 Bytes) Viewed 2293 times

bullet_green.png (489 Bytes) Viewed 2293 times
Agent is online

Enable Automated Services

disable-services-client-control.PNG (7.45 KiB) Viewed 1526 times
  • Patch Remedy - Automates the patch remedy patch status scans
This scan is passive and does not modify or install anything... It just collects the status and versions of what each agent already has or is missing.
  • Automatic Updates - Automates the install of patches
Patch Remedy scans need to be active for this to function. This service attempts to update the agent based on the information the agent returns from Patch Remedy Scans. It will do this based on the schedule you set for the client. This schedule can be set using the "Schedule Update" button.
  • OS Upgrades - Automates the OS Upgrades schedules provided by the Upgrade Policy Manager.
With this off, even if a policy is set and a schedule is created the agent will skip and attempts at OS upgrade.

Expanded View
Our new design scrolls to provide a larger area of data for us to use. There is a scroll bar that will appear on the side of the plugin when more data then what fits on the scree is present. Scroll to see what data is being presented to you.

pre-beta-clients-agents-tab-client-scroll-control.PNG (20.17 KiB) Viewed 2307 times

Client Buttons
With each view the buttons will change text and behaviors. In the client view the current button options are:

pre-beta-clients-agents-tab-client-buttons.PNG (3.15 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
  • Scan Client
Forces a Patch Remedy scan of the client now.
  • Update Client
Forces a Patch Update for the client to start now.
  • Upgrade Client
Forces an OS upgrade for the client now
  • Set OS Upgrade Policy
Sets the Upgrade policy for all agents under client, can be changed at the agent level.
  • Schedule Updates
Sets the weekly or monthly schedule for automated updates.
  • Print Report
Prints a colorful report to your default printer.

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