SQL - Agents Currently Patching

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SQL - Agents Currently Patching

Post by Cubert »

Currently Patching...

Code: Select all

SELECT cmd.`ComputerID` AS 'ID',
     cl.name AS 'Client',
     c.name AS 'Hostname',
     c.OS AS 'OS',
     cmd.DateUpdated AS 'Start Time',
     (LENGTH (cmd.parameters) - LENGTH(REPLACE(cmd.parameters,',','')))+1
AS 'Patches Installing',
     (ROUND(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),cmd.DateUpdated))/60)-1) AS 'Elapsed Time (m)'
FROM commands cmd
JOIN computers c ON (c.computerid = cmd.computerid) JOIN clients cl ON (cl.clientid = c.clientid) WHERE cmd.command = 100 AND `status` = 2 ORDER BY `Patches Installing` DESC

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