The Windows Defender plugin allows you to manager the preferences and settings for Windows Defender. Monitor the status of Windows Defender and take action when needed.
The Management of Windows Defender is done in the client console as a tab called Windows Defender. From the view you can see the status of any agent that has been successfully scanned by the plugins maintenance script. This script is automated and should run every 4 hours starting at 4 am and ending at 8 pm. Agents must be online for schedule to be created. Offline agents are skipped. Get daily alarm statuses for all your agents and across your clients.
The preference tab of the agent view allows you to manage all the preferences for that agent. There is a menu provided at this view that allows you to control Windows Defender directly without user disruption.
These menu items are:
- Push preferences to agent
- Quick Scan Agent
- Full Scan Agent
- Remove Active Threats
- Update Signatures
- Offline Scan
- View Threats
Manage Defender View allows you to see in real time how the agent is responding to the different Defender commands being sent.