Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

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Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by mmoyse »

This follows on from my earlier issue with locations not displaying. Applications are not installing because it thinks the location is inactive but the locations screen shows the location is active.

Looking in the table plugin_p4l_chocolatey_location_enable I can see the location I'm testing is "Active = 1, Suspend =0"

Another site I'm testing was also not working, I went into the locations screen to check that all locations were active and when I returned to plugin_p4l_chocolatey_location_enable, all the locations were now shown in there (They were not there before), trying to roll out the application results in the same error that the location is inactive.

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by Cubert »

I have successfully recreated this issue in our dev environment and are investigating. Be back with a resolution shortly.

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by Cubert »

New now available for download or should auto update tonight.

Ok we found an issue where in code stack a variable was being changed that causes the individual install commands to have a bad ComputerID and thus were invalidated commands and not executed.

This only affected the client view and was not an issue at the agent level or the automation level.

Just as a refresher:

When you submit a command from the client view it requires up to 12 minutes to complete. This is due to the automation timing in Automate which cycles every 6 minutes. We have no control over this cycle and require two cycles to complete Client level commands.

On cycle (1) one we have a command that says INSTALLALLWORKSTATIONS and the package to install. During this command we loop through all active and available agents under clientID and reenter a new command to INSTALL the Application on agent ID.

Capture.PNG (6.24 KiB) Viewed 9209 times

On cycle (2) two we read new commands to install to agent and we execute that function.

Capture1.PNG (4.79 KiB) Viewed 9209 times

So cycle (1) defines and validates agent installs and cycle (2) does the actual work to agents.

This is all behind the scenes activity but you should be aware of the timing so you know when to expect failures and successes.

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by Cubert »

just reading over this I see a typo in the log event... Geesss....

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by mmoyse »

Great stuff. While you fix the typo, the tooltip on the Locations button is wrong ;-)

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by Cubert »

Nice :roll:

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by mmoyse »

OK, that seems to have fixed the issue, applications are rolling out.

Just FYI, it didn't automatically update, I had to manually install it this morning.

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by Cubert »

You can check your Server plugin logs for C4A to see if it did a version check. It should do it nightly at midnight your time.

The log should read -
LTAgent v210.82 - 5/27/2021 12:00:53 AM - Plugin ChocolateyForAutomate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: Chocolatey for Automate - Current Version is ( and the available version is (

LTAgent v210.82 - 5/27/2021 12:00:53 AM - Plugin ChocolateyForAutomate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: Chocolatey for Automate version is current:::

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Re: Agent ID [****] is in an inactive location.

Post by mmoyse »

It doesn't seem to keep more than about 3-4 hours of logs so by the time I wake up and look it's gone :-(

Not my most pressing problem though, getting it to roll out applications is still problematic and unreliable.

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