deleting user accounts

This plugin monitors local admin group for changes and alerts admins when changes have been made.
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deleting user accounts

Post by jasonpsl »

Seeing if anyone else had this issue with this plugin. When I went in to remove a user from the local admin group on a computer. It also deleted that users account. We had to rebuild a entirely new profile now for 2 users that this happened to.

Has anyone else experienced this and how did you fix it?

I don't want to further use this plugin until we figure this issue out.

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Re: deleting user accounts

Post by Cubert »

That is not a function our plugin can preform? The plugin simply gathers information on who is in the group and stores that in Automate to use to compare and alert.

If you have the Auto restore admin group on change checked then we will attempt to add or remove user name from admin group. There is no delete user anywhere inside our plugin nor any means that we are aware of that the shell command to add or delete username from admin group would cause this affect.

At the bare minimum unchecking the auto fix option would stop any change commands running on agent and would limit plugin to data collection and alerting only.

Sounds like your issue may lay elsewhere.

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