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Password Notification Expire calculation enhancement

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:47 pm
by jallenEITP
We have a request for a enhancement.

Right now if you set the expire notification to 5 days it will email any user that has a password set to expire at the 5 day mark or sooner but not if it is at 5 days and 3 hours and so many seconds.

Is there a way to get to it just report if it will be at any time in the 5 days from now.

User example

User X has a password set to expire on 9/29/20 at 15:45
The script runs at 13:00 so the user would report that they will expire 5 days and 4 hours and 45 minutes from now so it does not hit the 5 day requirement so it doe snot report.

But AD is also set to notify at 5 days for the client so at 15:45 or after the user gets a pop up before they get notification email from Habitat.

If the script can just look at the date and say any password to expire at any time on the 5th day from now notify the user.

Re: Password Notification Expire calculation enhancement

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:35 pm
by Cubert
Interesting, I believe I understand your logic. I will go visit that to see what its doing and if we need to make a edit.

Re: Password Notification Expire calculation enhancement

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:41 pm
by JvdMaat
On that note, we have customers asking us for more notifications. Right now it's a single notification at X days.
However we have one asking for notifications at 14, 7, 4, 2, 1 days. (A little excessive, but with remote work, and the VPN no longer working once their password expires, there's some value there)
Not sure if this is an "easy" fix on your end? I'd happily put 14,7,4,2,1 in the "How many days to notify before expired" box, as long as the plugin can read that and split it out.