Client Specific Apps or Exclusions?

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Client Specific Apps or Exclusions?

Post by DigitalOptix »

Starting to play around with App Genie and have a few questions:

1. Is there a way to manage a list of apps to update at a client level (rather than just global)? I don't see anything, so I'm assuming not, but figured I would ask.

2. Is there a way to exclude a particular global app from being updated on at a Client, Location or Agent level? For example, if I had a subset of computers that needed to remain on Java 8 Update 121 (bad example, I know), is there a way of accomplishing this?


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Re: Client Specific Apps or Exclusions?

Post by Cubert »

App Genie was meant to be very simple and with very little control needed. If you want to control the packages, the deployments to different agents and clients then I would suggest you have a look at Chocolatey for Automate.

It Chocolatey For Automate is the full blow version of what App-Genie attempts to do for you as updates.

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