Does Auto Update Work

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Does Auto Update Work

Post by NoPetPigsAllowed »

I'm just trying to understand the plugin better.. :/ Does the auto update functionality of the plugin work for both PoSh and DotNET or do we manually have to "start" the update. I don't want to have to go machine to machine to see if an upgrade is available; my thinking is that if an upgrade is available make it happen during patch times. If a reboot is required follow the reboot policy...

I guess App Genie is spoiling me...

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Re: Does Auto Update Work

Post by Cubert »

Powershell manager plugin only handes the core updates. I.E. does the agent need the next version level of dot net or POSH?

So if it has POSH 3 we will makes sure it gets 4.0 and 5.0 but we do not do inner version updates. That's the job of windows patching.

Chocolatey repo for that software updates....
Now that's an Idea..

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