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Chocolatey for Automate License

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 1:38 pm
by DKlatka
We just purchased Chocolatey4Automate about a month ago. I have been having issues with the plugin not running the commands ran against it. and now it is showing as expired. In the SQL table 'plugin_p4l_chocolatey_commands' there is a command that doesn't appear to have executed. its 'Chocoaltey.extension' with the command 'LICENSE' it was issued on '2019-04-12' and doesn't show an execution date. could this be related?

Re: Chocolatey for Automate License

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:53 pm
by Cubert
Most likely,

I suspect that your LThost name is not what its presents itself as.

Check your Automate Dashboard config for Forward address as see in this post. ... f12bed5d1f

make sure that is the name used for your account on our web portal.

If you need us to check it, email us the name at support@

Re: Chocolatey for Automate License

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:02 pm
by DKlatka
I just verified the 2 match and are correct. no change was needed.
Is there anything else i can look at?

Re: Chocolatey for Automate License

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 12:50 pm
by Cubert
Ok I found your issue,

For some odd reason the subscription did not get created during your checkout. So you got the first months usage and it stopped because the next billing cycle never took place, thus the license just expired after the first month.

I have been looking for a way to update a new subscription from an existing sale order and I can't seem to tell our system to create a monthly subscription from the original sale. The only way I can see fixing this is have you log back into the web portal and add a copy of the plugin back to your account a second time. Then email me afterwards so I can go verify that it took correctly and that license is stable.

Sorry this happened, I will let my web guy know so he can look at logs to see if there was some hiccup somewhere.

Re: Chocolatey for Automate License

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 2:53 pm
by DKlatka
After adding another purchase of Chocolatey for automate, the plugin activated itself, thank you for your help.