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Request: Better way to manage adding and removing computers

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:07 pm
by jmassey
My first request would be a quick way to remove agents from the CCleaner plugin. If we need to remove an entire client or location from the list here's the workflow:

* Sort the list
* Scroll to the computer/company
* Double click to remove an entry
* List refreshes, losing it's sort
* Go up to step 1 and repeat

The ability to do a multi-select, right click and remove would be greatly appreciated.

Ideally, however, I'd like to be able to tie the CCleaner deployment and removal to groups. Are there any plans for that?



Re: Request: Better way to manage adding and removing computers

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:48 pm
by Cubert
We have that on the road map for the next feature release.