No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

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No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by tobycarver »

I'm trying to install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on a computer. When I select the package, I get the error in the screenshot I attached to this. Last week, I contacted support with an issue where an upgrade to LT 11 cleared the chocolatey tables. When I reinitialized chocolatey, some of the computer registered apps that weren't installed. Adobe Reader was one of them. I removed chocolatey from the computer and tried reinstalling it. I still get the error in the screenshot. I can install the chocolatey package from the command line on the computer. Don't know what's going on.

Also, I'm a little confused about the updates to Adobe Reader. I see there is a separate Adobe Acrobat Update package. Do I need to continue pushing the original Adobe Acrobat Reader package in addition to the new Adobe Acrobat Reader Update package? Or, does the new update package install a base version of Acrobat Reader?

Error installing acrobat reader
Error installing acrobat reader
2016-10-24 12_25_23-Great Plains Conference UMC - - User _ tcar.jpg (21.11 KiB) Viewed 17649 times

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by Cubert »

-9999 is a Labtech SQL error code that says nothing was returned from query or that query was bad. Can you produce the exact steps you went through to get to this error?

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by tobycarver »

The user called me that they did not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. They had a new laptop and, once the LT client was installed, Chocolatey was "supposed" to install apps that were approved. Adobe Acrobat didn't get installed. I looked at the computer in LT and Chocolatey said it was installed. I cleared Adobe Acrobat from the list, and tried to reinstall it. I did this by going to Chocolatey for the client. I selected the computer, selected the app and proceeded to install. This is where I saw the error first. I tried to install the app from the Chocolatey tab for the computer itself. I see the error there as well.

Later, I tried to install the Adobe-Update app, but it wouldn't install, obviously (I assume), because Adobe Reader wasn't originally installed. I removed the chocolatey software and reinstalled it, but Adobe Reader still wouldn't install via the Chocolatey console within LT. I was able to remote in to the computer and install Adobe Reader using chocolatey command at the CLI. I was also able to install the Adobe-Update app via the chocolatey console within LT.

I should add that I have a computer I installed the LT client on when Chocolatey had been broken after the LT 11 upgrade. Once Chocolatey was reconfigured, I can see that Adobe Reader was installed through the automation process. Maybe this is just a one-off issue.

Does that answer your question?

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by Cubert »

Most likely it was just a one off issue due to odd happenings from LT11 upgrade. I have not seen this action before so it doesn't seem to be a common issue or bug.

OK we will let it sit, if it happens again post it here..

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by tobycarver »

OK, I have another computer with the same issue, but with Google Chrome. I had a computer that had the LT client and was registered with LT. The laptop was re-imaged and I reinstalled the LT client. Once the re-imaged laptop was registered with LT, I tried to install Chrome from the Chocolatey client and got the same error as the other computer when I tried to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. Can you help?

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by tobycarver »

Update: I tried to install Google Chrome from the computer screen in LT, and it installed properly. I don't know why it didn't work from the Chocolatey screen from within the client. I tried to install Notepad++ from the client Chocolatey screen and it failed with the same error. However, when I tried to install the application from the chocolatey plugin from the computer screen of the client, it installed successfully.

Obviously, something is going on when using the Chocolatey screen within the Client. I tried to install other apps to other computers from within the Chocolatey tab for the client.

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by Cubert »


Since I do not have your email address I can not open a ticket on my side to work with you on this. Can you send a email to helpdesk (@ ) which should auto open a ticket on my ticketing system. I then can get a GTM session setup with you to have a look at this issue.

Make sure to put what times in EST zone that best fit with your availability and I will get a schedule session out to you.

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by tobycarver »

I'll need to open a ticket. I have a new laptop that's never had the LT client or been in the LT database. I have a set of apps installed automatically and they installed. Adobe Reader and Adobe Reader DC Update also show installed, but they are not installed. I tried to installed them, but I get the error I indicated in this ticket. I also see an app that I did not approve being installed.

I'm going to create a ticket.

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Re: No runner Adobe Acrobat Reader

Post by Cubert »

The No runner error has been solved.

It was a bug in our code when installing a package to 1 or all systems from the client console. The alternative repo address, username and password variables were not being cleared correctly if no alternative was present. This cause the Choco command to fail with a No Runner error.

Build was released today that resolves this issue.

Thanks to Toby Carver for finding and assisting in the resolution of bug!

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