App Genie Script Error

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by Cubert »

Actually looking over your AppGenie screenshot it looks like update command was sent at 6.07 AM so look at that time for script logs at the agent level to see if command was received and what did chocolatey say when it ran command?

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by GThibeault »

I am not seeing the agent in the log at all. It is also kind of weird that the agent ID is 694 but the log stops at 693 which also seems to be the highest ID in the system which indeed makes sense since this agent is the latest one I installed.

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by Cubert »

That is bizarre.

Being this is the last agent ID is this the only agent ID with an issue? I was under the impression we had many agents with same issue. Are (take a hand full of agent IDs) all ID's missing from logs? or just the last ID?

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by GThibeault »

There are a lot of agent with the issue. I checked about 10 that had the script errors they were all in logs. They all have the same message

LTAgent v190.203 - 8/13/2019 6:00:20 AM - Plugin App_Genie, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: Updating associated applications on agent ID - 650:::

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by Cubert »

We should be seeing this for every agent id enabled, We are then scheduling a script on that agent at this time. Let's look at one of the agents that have been scheduled to see what script output is.

This is where we will find the actual error if it exists. The script will either fail at some point or complete successfully with some output. Follow the script logs on the agent console to see what script was doing and what the agent's response was.

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by GThibeault »

it is pretty much the same error that I started this posting with. Here is the output for the script failure on agent 650

I am also running your Chocolatey product on this server and the secript is failing for that also.

The Script(5874) failed in the Else section at step 69. The reason: Row index out of bounds

Script: S5874 - Starting at Server Time: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 6:05:24 AM
IF F5 ValueOne (P1): CMD Comparer (P2): 2 ValueTwo (P3): FRAMEWORK T: 0.6519412
L2 F114 File (P1): 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choc...' Check (P2): 1 Jump (P3): 2 T: 0.6579412
L3 F20 SetType(P1):1 Parameter(P2):'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choc...' VariableName(P3):CHOCOEXE T: 8.2947505
L4 F129 Jump (P1): 6 T: 8.2947505
L11 F29 Message (P1): Funstion Call is - [UPDATE] T: 8.2967501
L12 F70 Value (P1): CMD Comparer (P2): 2 To (P3): INSTALL Jump (P4): :INSTALL T: 8.3007528
L13 F70 Value (P1): CMD Comparer (P2): 2 To (P3): UPDATE Jump (P4): :UPDATE T: 8.3027538
L63 F139 Note (P1): :UPDATE T: 8.3037549
L64 F20 SetType(P1):1 Parameter(P2):1 VariableName(P3):LOOPCOUNT T: 8.3057559
L65 F196 SQL (P1): 'SELECT b.ID As AppAssocID,s.Name, b.RepoName, s.version, a.LastUpdate, b.version as RepoVe...' T: 8.3067571
L66 F139 Note (P1): :LOOPSTARTUPDATE T: 8.3097586
L67 F20 SetType(P1):1 Parameter(P2): VariableName(P3):APPASSOCID T: 8.3157629
L68 F20 SetType(P1):1 Parameter(P2): VariableName(P3):REPONAME T: 8.3167697
L69 F197 Variable (P1): sqldataset RowIndex (P2): 1 T: 8.3187647

Here is the chocloatey log same agent:
The Script(5878) failed in the Else section at step 120. The reason: Row index out of bounds

Script: S5878 - Starting at Server Time: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 1:01:16 PM
IF F5 ValueOne (P1): MYCMD Comparer (P2): 8 ValueTwo (P3): INSTALLFRAMEWORK T: 0.0830541
L2 F114 File (P1): 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choc...' Check (P2): 0 Jump (P3): :PROGRAMDATA T: 0.0890541
L5 F139 Note (P1): :PROGRAMDATA T: 8.1394699
L6 F20 SetType(P1):1 Parameter(P2):'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choc...' VariableName(P3):CHOCO T: 8.1404711
L7 F129 Jump (P1): :FUNCTIONS T: 8.1414713
L12 F139 Note (P1): :FUNCTIONS T: 8.1424721
L13 F70 Value (P1): MYCMD Comparer (P2): 8 To (P3): INSTALLAPP Jump (P4): :INSTALLAPP T: 8.1444734
L14 F70 Value (P1): MYCMD Comparer (P2): 8 To (P3): REMOVEAPP Jump (P4): :REMOVEAPP T: 8.1464747
L15 F70 Value (P1): MYCMD Comparer (P2): 8 To (P3): RUNUPDATES Jump (P4): :RUNUPDATES T: 8.1494769
L115 F139 Note (P1): :RUNUPDATES T: 8.1514802
L116 F20 SetType(P1):1 Parameter(P2):1 VariableName(P3):LOOPCOUNT T: 8.1524787
L117 F196 SQL (P1): 'SELECT Application FROM plugin_p4l_chocolatey_computers Where ComputerID = '650' and Upda...' T: 8.1544804
L118 F139 Note (P1): :LOOPSTARTUPDATE T: 8.1594835
L119 F20 SetType(P1):1 Parameter(P2): VariableName(P3):APPASSOCID T: 8.160484
L120 F197 Variable (P1): sqldataset RowIndex (P2): 1 T: 8.1614845

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by Cubert »

I know it feels like no progress but actually we are getting somewhere now.

Here is the issue with agent.

the updates are being scheduled correctly and the agent is getting the correct set of commands to run updates. The agent is attempting to run updates but when the LabTech database is queried for this agent ID (650) it returns 0 rows of data.

We then try to assign row 1 data (non existent) to a value in script and there is where we generate the out of index error.

So we have determined that the process all they way to the agent is working as desired but when agent looks for installed software that is #1 set to update and #2 shows as installed already it is returning 0 records. As far as agent is concerned there's nothing to update.

We need to #1 verify we have software set to auto update in plugin and #2 verify that its actually installed on agent. If the installer never ran then updates will never run.

Here is the query to pull updateable software for agentID 650

Code: Select all

SELECT Application FROM plugin_p4l_chocolatey_computers Where ComputerID = '650'  and Updates = 'True'  and AppInstalled = '1';
To see if anything shows as available for install or update run SQL query

Code: Select all

SELECT Application FROM plugin_p4l_chocolatey_computers Where ComputerID = '650' 
If this returns 0 then the agent is showing no approved software for install or update.

Our SQL query is testing for these columns to be set to updates = True and Appinstalled = 1 . If you run the second query this should show all approved software for agent ID. does any of this software meet these requirements noted here?
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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by GThibeault »

It looks like App Genie is installing some software. The new Firefox updates have been rolled (I think). One thing that I find weird is that the Global console is not showing anything for Adobe Reader (see attached screenshot) but it installed on a whole bunch of my machines. I have attached the results for the SQL query also.
2019-08-15 09_31_57-App
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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by GThibeault »

Thanks for you help but I have decided to cancel the product. How do I uninstall the product?

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Re: App Genie Script Error

Post by JohnB »

We too have a very similar issue. What needs to be done to fix this?
I am after a simple, low maintenance product to update stuff and I don't think this is it.


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