I installed a new version but still see old version of [Plugin Name here] plugin

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I installed a new version but still see old version of [Plugin Name here] plugin

Post by Cubert »

So you recently updated or installed a new build of a plugin and when you launch it it still shows old version number. (Why?)

This can happen on any workstation that is running a Automate console. It may not be in-consistent across the tech center as some techs or engineers see the correct version and others do not. (Why?)

The LabTech console writes all plugin DLL files to C:\Programdata\LabtechPlugins\LTHOSTNAME on every workstation that runs a LT Control Center. When you login to a control center it should check for new DLL files and download them during the login process but sometimes fails with permissions issues so old file remains and thus old version on just the one control center is not updating.

How to fix.

You have 2 options to resolve,

#1 Logout of Automate Control Center and relaunch it as "Run As Admin" and login as normal. Afterwards you can use plugins or logout and back in as normal. The plugins should now be updated.

#2 Just delete the C:\Programdata\LabtechPlugins\LTHOSTNAME folder on any system having issues and relog into Control Center. The folder will get rebuilt with all current DLL files only.

This should resolve the issues for having old versions when new version is available.


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