2 bugs, a question, and a request

Support and question forum for Patch Remedy 4 WUA plugin for LabTech. This plugin was retired on 06/01/2022. All new Patch Remedy 5 is now the current plugin. This forum is for retaining the old posts for Patch Remedy 4.
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2 bugs, a question, and a request

Post by mikejudd »

Two tiny issues that I've noticed:

1) on the WUA Versions tab, sorting only applies to the 1000 items on the current page. It doesn't sort across all records. (I got excited that our "bad" WUA version count was down, then noticed a 2nd page that had many more to attack.)

2) on the WUA Versions tab, the export button passes the info to Excel in a strange way.
The headers are correct, but the last two columns appear on a 2nd row.

Code: Select all

ComputerID	Computer Name	Client Name	WUA Version	OS	UpToDate
3094	PS-LT142	360 Smart Networks	7.6.7601.23453		
	7 Professional  x64	No			
163	360-ATL-BDR01	360 Smart Networks	7.9.9600.17489		
	Server 2012 R2 Standard x64	Yes	

A question: We have 2818 Automate Agents. The PR Overview page shows 2542 systems scanned. I've set the scan to run every 4 hours so feel that everything should have been caught by now. The System Count on the WUA Versions page is 1988. The Current MUA Max Versions table adds up to match the 2542 systems scanned number.
I can understand that all systems might not have been scanned (offline? other?), but I'm not sure why WUA version isn't reported for all that have been scanned.
Why the discrepancies? How can I correct?

Lastly, a request: Is it possible to have a view of only endpoints that do not have an acceptable WUA version? Right now I don't care that an endpoint isn't up-to-date, but I would like to be able to work with just those endpoints that need to be addressed to get patching kickstarted.

Thanks for a great solution! Looking forward to getting things fully in order.


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Re: 2 bugs, a question, and a request

Post by Cubert »

Hey Mike,

Sorry I am out at AN2017 so been a bit busy. To answer your issues lets setup a session later this week so I can have a peek. Maybe any number of reasons for the issues you reported so better for me to have a look.

Shoot a email over to helpdesk@plugins4labtech.com to open a ticket up with me. I will then send over session infor and a schedule time for us to look at your issues.


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Re: 2 bugs, a question, and a request

Post by ocnjkayak »

Hi Shannon,

I'm seeing the same issue as Mike. Is there a fix for this?

Would like to know what the Excel fields marked with No/Yes are indicating as the column header is missing.

Thank you for the product! Hoping to get patching in order soon!


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Re: 2 bugs, a question, and a request

Post by Cubert »

Let me have a peek at this and see what I can do.

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