How to use Patch Remedy to aggressively update Windows 7

Support and question forum for Patch Remedy 4 WUA plugin for LabTech. This plugin was retired on 06/01/2022. All new Patch Remedy 5 is now the current plugin. This forum is for retaining the old posts for Patch Remedy 4.
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How to use Patch Remedy to aggressively update Windows 7

Post by Cubert »

Good Morning Patch Remedy users,

I am posting today on how a MSP that has subscribed to Patch Remedy can get their Windows 7 and 2008 R2 systems up to date with the latest WUA versions. We all know why we need to be at the latest versions so I will not bore you with those details, regardless to say it needs to be done and then maintained moving forward.

I have crafted a working document that describes how an average MSP should use Patch Remedy once they have it installed and active in the LabTech environment. The document does not discuss how to setup and configure Patch Remedy, you can find that data here at ... tart-guide

This guide is what a MSP does after the quick start, how one should use Patch Remedy in the first 5 days and what to expect.
How to use Patch Remedy.docx
(144.91 KiB) Downloaded 1306 times
Please provide feedback on the document so we can continue to improve it for all MSPs.

Thanks for your continued support!


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