Patching your Patch Engine

Support and question forum for Patch Remedy 4 WUA plugin for LabTech. This plugin was retired on 06/01/2022. All new Patch Remedy 5 is now the current plugin. This forum is for retaining the old posts for Patch Remedy 4.
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Patching your Patch Engine

Post by Cubert »

Patching your Patch Engine
Microsof's Windows Update Agent (WUA) is an agent program that works in conjunction with Windows Server Update Services to support automated patch delivery and installation. Labtech uses this agent to help determine what patches are needed by each Windows system and deploys them. Microsoft often updates the WUA which increases the detection of missing patches more current then the installed version of WUA. This can cause you to get a perception that your patching is up to date when in actuality your massively behind.

There is more to patching then just letting the approvals happen. Windows regularly updates the agent (engine) they use to manage and seek for patches. By making sure this agent stays up to date you are making sure your users PCs stay current with the latest in system and office patches.

We have seen that the set of WUA versions from 7.6.7600.256 to .320 and others have caused some issues if they are NOT updated to latest versions of WUA. This will cause the systems to incorrectly report that they are fully patched when in actually they are hundreds of patches behind.

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