the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

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the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

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Just updated to 1.0.27 and get error and no Linux servers are listed and get an error.

"the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object"

Sorry for the Swedish pic.

Any idees ?
Running latest version on Automate also.
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Re: the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

Post by Cubert »

When this window loads, it calls 1 function that makes a SQL query and fills the table with data. If something is wrong with the data, something missing or SQL failing all together, would cause the error you see.

here is that SQL Query,

Code: Select all

SELECT a.computerid, a.computer_name, a.clientid, a.updates, a.last_scan, a.reboot_needed,  a.client_name, a.package_manager, a.pm_version, IF(c.LastContact > date_add(now(),interval -6 minute),'Yes','No') As Online  FROM plugin_p4a_lum_agents a LEFT JOIN computers c ON c.computerid = a.computerid
My next question is, are you using a on prem or hosted Automate environment? Basically do you have direct SQL access to host to execute the above SQL query to see what is returned?

If your hosted, then you will need to create a LT script that executes that query. Then loops through the data set printing out each row. If script can print out rows and data looks good, post the return here for us to review. Otherwise if you do receive an error then it may answer your issue directly or send us the errors and we can help determine the issues.

This is not normal for plugin. Here is our running version of 1.0.27 of the LUM plugin.
Do not mind the scan dates, I have this plugin disabled as not to interfere with our current development of Automate Package Manager plugin which also manages the install and update of Linux agents along with Mac and Windows.

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Re: the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

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Below is the output from the SQL Query

Should we move to Automate Package Manager instead ?

1 queries executed, 0 success, 1 errors, 0 warnings

Query: SELECT a.computerid, a.computer_name, a.clientid, a.updates, a.last_scan, a.reboot_needed, a.client_name, a.package_manager, a.p...

Error Code: 1146
Table 'labtech.plugin_p4a_lum_agents' doesn't exist

Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0.001 sec

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Re: the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

Post by Cubert »

Ok there's the problem, first thing is do a restart of the dbagent on automate host.

The dbagent service is responsible for creating that table. Once confirmed, relaunch the control center and reopen plug-in.

If it still fails report back.

As for APM, didn't mean to bait and switch you. LUM is a nice Linux plugin, but APM has really taken the best of all out early plugins like C4A, LUM, and our Habitat Homebrew sub plugin and combines them with a whole new approach to managing software in Automate.

If you want what we are working on now, APM is it!
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Re: the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

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dbagent restarted, but same issue.....
Might give APM i try instead if you cant resolve this......

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Re: the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

Post by Cubert »

We have identified a possible issue that could cause what your seeing. We resolved the conflict and released build 1.0.28 as a result.

You can find it here at Get 1.0.28
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Re: the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

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Thank you ! 1.0.28 works

Awsome work and support !

Can you please send me the upside of APM, any compare sheet ?

We also do Windows Patching thru Automate....

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Re: the object reference has not been set to an instance of an object

Post by Cubert »

APM is pretty cool if you are into package managers.

YUM and APt-Get are the pallbearers of package managers. Homebrew came up through the ranks to be the Mac package manger, and team worked with Microsoft to create a NuGet based package manager for Microsoft Windows.

I asked GPT to describe what package managers are, and what they do in simple terms, this is what it came up with.. Not sure why it choose to use fiction to describe fact, but hey, that's for the AI engineers to figure out!
So, imagine you're a wizard with a magical book of spells, and you want to brew up some awesome potions. Now, each potion recipe needs different ingredients, like dragon scales, unicorn tears, and fairy dust.

Well, in the world of computers, software programs are like those potions, and package managers like Apt or YUM are like your magical book that helps you gather all the ingredients you need to make them work.

Here's how it works: instead of hunting down each ingredient (or "dependency") yourself, which can be a real pain, you just tell the package manager what software program you want, and it goes off and collects all the bits and pieces needed to make it run smoothly.

For example, let's say you want to install a new game on your computer. With a package manager, you just tell it, "Hey, I want this game," and it goes out and finds all the necessary files and libraries the game needs to work its magic. It's like having a personal assistant do all the legwork for you!

But wait, there's more! Package managers also help you keep your software up to date. Just like how you might get patches or updates for your games to fix bugs or add new features, the package manager can automatically fetch and install these updates for you, keeping your computer running smoothly and securely.

So, in a nutshell, a package manager is like your trusty sidekick in the world of computers, helping you find, install, and maintain all the cool software programs you want to use, without the hassle of searching and gathering all the ingredients yourself. It's pretty neat, huh?

But, Not all package managers are alike!

Apt-get and YUM are full system package managers that handle all OS based updates as well as third party software titles and open source projects. Homebrew and Chocolatey are more 3rd party centric and less OS updates. Can you install Windows updates with Chocolatey? Not really, not now. You can install KB articles that are made available from the public repositories but in general you would not receive standard Windows updates using Chocolatey. The same goes for Homebrew. Homebrew delivers a lot of 3rd party packages but only a few types of updates for Macs and I believe mostly around dependencies.

So where Apt and YUM does it all, Homebrew and Chocolatey are mainly 3rd party titles like Google Chrome, Firefox, Adobe etc... APM is aware of this and is able to work with the limitations of each package manager to allow the MSP to distribute, manage versions (update/upgrade), and remove 3rd party software for all OS types across the RMM environment.

Who is watching the 3rd party software update requirements for your environment?

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