Release Build

Automate Package Manager is a robust solution for MSPs seeking an efficient and streamlined approach to software management across diverse operating systems. With its cross-platform compatibility, integration with popular package managers like Chocolatey, Apt-get, Yum, and Homebrew makes it the go to choice for software update management.
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Release Build

Post by Cubert »

What is new in this release?

We updated policy assignments to test the agents and preset the assigned policy when assigning a policy. We also updated the following scripts.

  • Agent Onboarding
Added policy and source policy assignments to all OS types

  • Agent Scanner
Added a cleanup function to the beginning of the script to look for policies and sources that are still assign to agent but no longer exist in database.

  • Package Manager Installer
Updated the Windows section to better qualify a valid install of Chocolatey and improved the version success.

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Re: Release Build

Post by strombly »

having a weird issue with this build, I just bought it and installed and trying to setup my first policy.
I have deleted it and recreated it 3 times the policy is called Linux Updates the only items checked Linux, but when I save it and go to the policies pane it shows only Mac is checked. Attached two screenshots
2024-02-07_10-51-17.png (14.47 KiB) Viewed 864 times
2024-02-07_10-51-44.png (18.9 KiB) Viewed 864 times

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Re: Release Build

Post by Cubert »


Im out of office today but will look at that. I bet it's setting linux but in data view column is switched, Mac maybe linux and linux Mac.

To test this create a Mac only policy and see if it shows up as Linux. (its still Mac but in wrong column.

If this is the case I'll have a update out asap.

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Re: Release Build

Post by strombly »

Yes that appears to be the case, as I create a mac policy and got the linux box checked.
2024-02-07_12-18-45.png (19.26 KiB) Viewed 855 times

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Re: Release Build

Post by strombly »

another question are there versions of Linux that are not supported, I ask as after setting it up for a specific agent running Oracle 9.3 (Linux). it doesn't seem to be working and I see it picking up systems with Ubuntu 22.4 (Linux), but under the same location is doesn't seem to see:

Oracle 9.3 (Linux)
CentOS 7.9 (Linux)

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Re: Release Build

Post by Cubert »

I found and fixed where we had our SQL backwards INSERT (Windows, Mac, Linux) Values (Windows , Linux, Mac) during policy creation.

As for Linux support, If agent is available on agent to run BASH scripts & either YUM or Apt-Get is available. So we should absolutely support CentOS as it should have YUM available to it. Oracle I am less sure about but if it has (YUM or Apt-get) then yes it should be supported. We may also add down the road Zypper package manager for (SUSE).

So if your not seeing them, have a look at the command line logs in Automate for the agent in question. See what the response from the execution of scripts is.

Post that in detail here for us to review. Create a new post of course.

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