Mass Install not Installing Packages

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Mass Install not Installing Packages

Post by dgavrilovski »

There is an issue we are seeing with deploying packages using the 'Mass Install' tool. The agents are showing correctly within the plugin and all of the settings are set properly but none of the packages in our approved applications list are installing. The approved application list contains packages from the public, and our custom, repository.

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Re: Mass Install not Installing Packages

Post by Cubert »

Here is how the mass installer should work.

YouTube Video - Mass Installer Demo

If this is not what is taking place on your Automate system then screenshot each step and describe what failed., Make sure to include any logs.

If you are using sources, make sure in the response from the install command that the source repository was found and didn't default to the public repo looking for a custom package. Otherwise it should automatically use any configured sources first.

Source will not be reflexed in the command sent to agent. Agent should already have sources defined and pushed down to them. Here is how to define agent status quickly.

Getting Agents Status

Screenshot 2024-01-29 095724.png
Screenshot 2024-01-29 095724.png (54.69 KiB) Viewed 1948 times

You can view the EDFs under Chocolatey to see the current status of agent. If you need to correct a fault in an agent like for example, Sources was set (Enable Extra Sources checkbox checked) and sources show in EDFs they were pushed out (Sources Enabled checkbox checked). If you tested sources and found that there were some error in the sources or that the sources failed to update Chocolatey then unchecking the (Sources enabled checkbox) would force agent to re apply current sources.

The EDFs are broken up in to two checkboxes per task. A checkbox to tell automation to do something and a second checkbox that automate will set when task was completed.
  • Chocolatey Approved and Chocolatey Installed
  • Enable Extra Sources and Sources Enabled
  • Use UNC Cache and UNC Cache Enabled
  • Auto Install Approved Applications and Approved Applications installed

Unchecking the later checkbox for any of these settings will force agent to reapply setting in automation. Unchecking the first checkbox will disable that automated service.

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