Chocolatey For Automate 3.6 Available

This forum is for the discussions and support for the Chocolatey For Automate plugin. Inside you will find the Documentation Project forum that describes the operation of the plugin.
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Chocolatey For Automate 3.6 Available

Post by Cubert »

Over the last month we have been rewriting a lot of Chocolatey For Automate to address several issues with how automation is delt with. Automation is hard coded into the backend of Automate and follows a rigid schedule. Also if a user wants to integrate a report with the basics of data like last scan date or last update, it requires some SQL-foo to acquire that data.

With the start of Chocolatey For Automate 3.6 we have changed direction and have moved a lot of the backend automation over to Automate Group Management. We also placed key flags and dates into EDFs to allow both the user and Automate Groups the ability to use these data points. Users are encouraged to explore the Automate Groups and make adjustment as their environment dictates. This change in process has greatly improved the overall performance of our Automate Environment.

Check out our announcement ... tomate-3-6

Here in the updated plugin page ... ted-agents

Here is the latest document forum for Build 3.6


That should give you enough information about the updates in 3.6


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