3rd Party App updates

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3rd Party App updates

Post by zhall »

Under the management console I have marked Citrix Workspace as not active. As I do not want it updating automatically. I have noticed some of the clients are still being updated. It even shows under the chocolatey log for the client. If marking it as not active does not disable that software from updating how do I disable it?

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Re: 3rd Party App updates

Post by Cubert »

Hmmm... Not sure how that would be.


The automated process launches the LTscript "Habitat App Manager" which sets up the agent with chocolatey,

Then test for installs by querying enabled apps with the following SQL command (Try running in Habitat SQL Analyzer).

Code: Select all

SELECT *  FROM plugin_p4a_habitat_app_manage_assoc WHERE Active = 1
Afterwards we execute the following SQL to get all version data and repo commands for enabled apps.

Just change "a.ComputerID = '%computerid%'" to "a.ComputerID = 'Place AgentID here'

Code: Select all

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE TestVersions SELECT b.ID As AppAssocID,s.Name, b.RepoName, s.version, a.LastUpdate, b.version as RepoVersion, CONCAT(LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.version, '.', 1), '.', -1), 10, '0'),LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.version, '.', 2), '.', -1), 10, '0'),LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.version, '.', 3), '.', -1), 10, '0'), LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.version, '.', 4), '.', -1), 10, '0') ) as RepoV,	CONCAT(LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.version, '.', 1), '.', -1), 10, '0'), LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.version, '.', 2), '.', -1), 10, '0'), LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.version, '.', 3), '.', -1), 10, '0'), LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.version, '.', 4), '.', -1), 10, '0') ) as SoftV FROM plugin_p4a_habitat_app_manage_agent_apps a LEFT JOIN plugin_p4a_habitat_app_manage_assoc b ON a.AppAssocID = b.ID  LEFT JOIN software s ON a.ComputerID = s.ComputerID and s.Name like b.AppName  WHERE a.ComputerID = '%computerid%'; Select AppAssocID, Name, RepoName, LastUpdate, Version, RepoVersion FROM TestVersions WHERE SoftV < RepoV and DATE(LastUpdate) <> DATE(NOW()); Drop TEMPORARY TABLE TestVersions;

The script uses these 2 queries to handle the agent updates. So there must be a piece of bad data somewhere causing issues.

Try removing all data for agent from plugin database tables and letting it refind agent. see if it repeats the issue of installing that app. You can also remove the app from the search all together is not used to remove it from any chocolatey processes.

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